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Elastic Social uses JMX for all management operations. This requires that you enable JMX remoting when accessing remote hosts. To reindex the search index for users or comments execute the JConsole with JMX remoting enabled on Windows OS like this:

  "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\jconsole" -J-classpath ^

Example 3.7. Start JConsole on Windows OS

or on Unix based OS like this:

  $JAVA_HOME/bin/jconsole -J-classpath \
  -J$JAVA_HOME/lib/jconsole.jar:$HOME/ \
  .m2/repository/javax/management/jmxremote_optional/ \

Example 3.8. Start JConsole alternatively on UNIX based OS

Open a new connection to the JMX port of a CAE or Studio host. For a remotely running preview CAE the default is:


Then navigate to the node com.coremedia/SearchServiceManager/blueprint/media/Operations (where media is the tenant name and blueprint the application name) and execute

reindex( users )

to reindex the search service index with the name "users". Use "comments" to reindex all comments.

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