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Site Manager Developer Manual / Version 2307

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5.2 Configuration Possibilities in the XML Files

The Site Manager can be configured with the settings in the XML files (see above). Their default location is the directory <InstallDirectory>/properties/corem. Customize the editor, by adjusting the following elements:

  • Enter a user name and a password for the login. See element <Editor>.

  • Select the language and country settings which should be used, preferably located in editor-startup.xml. See element <Locale>.

  • Circumvent the standard login window with your own authentication factory. See element <AuthenticationFactory>.

  • Determine which Web Extensions such as a preview should be used. See element <WebContext>.

  • Determine which browser should be used. See element <WebBrowser>.

  • Select and configure the appearance of the fields in the document overview of the main window, of the query window and of the selection window for internal links. See element <Explorer>.

  • Determine the filters used on the documents in the document overview of the main window. See element <Filter>.

  • Determine the filters and sorting algorithms affecting the folders in the folder overview. See elements <TreeSorter>, <TreeFilter>.

  • Set a factory for client side properties. See element <PropertyModelFactory>.

  • Define multiple views for the document overview of the main window, which can be selected with the menu item View|Display. See element <Explorer>.

  • Determine which fields of a document type should be shown in the document window. See element <Documents>.

  • Determine which document types should be shown in File|New. See element <DocumentTypes>.

  • Define initializer and validators for the fields of newly created documents. See element <DocumentTypes>.

  • Set certain conditions for these fields (editable, obligatory field ...). See element <Property>.

  • Allocate certain editors to the fields and in this way, for example, define a selection field with certain preset values. See element <Property>.

  • Enable or disable the spell checker. See element <SpellChecker>.

  • Configure the class for language determination of a property used by the spell checker. See element <PropertyLanguageResolverFactory>.

  • Configure the appearance of the workflow. See elements <Workflow>, <Processes>.

  • Enable or disable the remote control of the editor. See element <RemoteControl>.

A formal description of the syntax of this XML file can be found in the corresponding DTD in <InstallationDir>/lib/xml/coremedia-editor.dtd. The XML files must obey the DTD, but are not validated against the DTD. Find the default editor.xml file in the editor-components/editor module in the development workspace of CoreMedia Project.

In the following section, the configuration of the Site Manager via the file editor.xml is described.



The BeanParser, that is used to parse the Site Manager configuration allows you to configure all bean properties of the beans that are introduced in the following. Since not all configuration hooks will be explained, it's always a good idea to consult the Javadoc and discover all configuration possibilities.

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