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Site Manager Developer Manual / Version 2307

Table Of Contents



access resource, How To Access Arbitrary Resources
API, Validator Classes
Editor API, Property Editors
of Filter, Configuring Table Views
of Process, Configuring the Workflow
of AggregationVariable, Configuring the Workflow
of Browser, General Configuration
of Bundle, General Configuration
of ColumnDefinition, Configuring Table Views
of Comparator, Configuring Document Types
of CustomDictionary, Configuring the Spell checker
of DisplayMap, Configuring Table Views
of Document, Configuring Document Windows
of DocumentTypes, Configuring Document Types
of Explorer, Configuring Table Views
of Initializer, Configuring Document Types
of Locale, General Configuration
of MainDictionary, Configuring the Spell checker
of Preview, General Configuration
of Property, Configuring Document Windows
of PropertyLanguageResolverFactory, Configuring the Spell checker
of PropertyModelFactory, General Configuration
of RemoteControl, General Configuration
of Renderer, Configuring Table Views
of ResourceChooser, Configuring Table Views
of SpellChecker, Configuring the Spell checker
of Tab, Configuring Document Windows
of TableDefinition, Configuring Table Views
of Task, Configuring the Workflow
of TreeFilter, Configuring Table Views
of Treesorter, Configuring Table Views
of Validator, Configuring Document Types
of Variable, Configuring the Workflow
of WorkflowStartup, Configuring the Workflow


LinkListEditor, LinkList Editors
client side, Comparator Classes
CoreMedia Editor , Description of the CoreMedia editor.dtd
CoreMedia Site Manager, Example Configuration of the Document Overview
coremedia-editor.dtd (Elements)
AggregationVariable, Configuring the Workflow
Browser, General Configuration
Bundle, General Configuration
ColumnDefinition, Configuring Table Views
Comparator, Configuring Document Types
CustomDictionary, Configuring the Spell checker
DisplayMap, Configuring Table Views
Document, Configuring Document Windows
Documents, Configuring Document Windows
DocumentType, Configuring Document Types
DocumentTypes, Configuring Document Types
Editor, General Configuration
Explorer, Configuring Table Views
Filter, Configuring Table Views
Initializer, Configuring Document Types
Locale, General Configuration
MainDictionary, Configuring the Spell checker
Predicate, Configuring Document Types
Preview, General Configuration
Process, Configuring the Workflow
Processes, Configuring the Workflow
Property, Configuring Document Windows
PropertyLanguageResolverFactory, Configuring the Spell checker
PropertyType, Configuring Document Types
Query, Configuring Table Views
regular expressions to use, Configuring Document Types
Renderer, Configuring Table Views
ResourceChooser, Configuring Table Views
SpellChecker, Configuring the Spell checker
Tab, Configuring Document Windows
TableDefinition, Configuring Table Views
Task, Configuring the Workflow
TreeFilter, Configuring Table Views
TreeSorter, Configuring Table Views
Validator, Configuring Document Types
validPattern, Configuring Document Types
Variable, Configuring the Workflow
View, Configuring the Workflow
Workflow, Configuring the Workflow
WorkflowStartup, Configuring the Workflow


deprecated, Preface
document fields (example), Example Configuration of the Document Window
coremedia-editor.dtd: generalconfiguration, General Configuration


Editor classes
Column classes, Column Classes
Column classes for workflows, Column Classes
TabbedDocumentView, View Classes
Editor configuration
Predicate, Configuring Table Views
editor.xml, Configuration Possibilities in the XML Files
execute, Program Own Commands


GenericDocumentView, Add Command to Document View
getInitialValue, Program Own Initializers


copy and paste, XML Editors


include, Program Own Predicate Classes
Initializer class genericInitializer, Initializer Classes


NamedDocumentVersionComparator, Configuring Table Views
no start, Troubleshooting


predefined Editor classes, Classes Delivered for Site Manager Configuration
Property editors
blob fields, Blob Editors
date fields, Date Editors
integer fields, Integer Editors
string fields, String Editors


SimpleValidationException, Program Own Validators
Site Manager
deprecation, Preface
Remote Control, General Configuration
spellchecker, Enable the Spell Checker
style sheet group, XML Editors


unknow element: ROOT, Troubleshooting


workflows, Workflow Editors

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