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Studio Developer Manual / Version 2307

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10.2 CKEditor 4 Rich Text Editing

In this section you will get to know, how to switch back to rich text editing based on deprecated CKEditor 4 and how to continue using and adapting it.

Short History: Up to CoreMedia Content Cloud 2207 rich text editing in CoreMedia Studio was based on CKEditor 4 provided by CKSource sp. z o.o. sp.k.. Since CoreMedia Content Cloud 2210 rich text editing is based on CKEditor 5, deprecating CKEditor 4 support in CoreMedia Studio. CKEditor 4 itself will reach end-of-life in 2023 according to CKSource.


CKEditor 4 Integration Deprecated

The integration of CKEditor 4 into CoreMedia Studio is deprecated since CoreMedia Content Cloud 2210.

As migrating from CKEditor 4 to CKEditor 5 may require some considerable effort, CKEditor 4 will be supported throughout CoreMedia Content Cloud v11.

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