Search Manual / Version 2310
Table Of ContentsThe CAE Feeder automatically retries operation after some communication problems with the Solr Search Server. The following properties configure the retry behavior:
Property | Value | Default | Description |
| time in milliseconds | 30000 |
The delay between a failed batch sending and the next try. |
| time in milliseconds | 0 | The connection timeout set on the SolrJ
SolrClient . It determines how long the client waits to establish a connection
without any response from the server. The default value 0 means, that it
will wait forever.
| time in milliseconds | 600000 (10 minutes) |
The socket timeout set on the SolrJ
SolrClient . It determines how long the client waits for a response from the
server after the connection was established and the request was already sent.
Table 5.1. Properties for retry on Solr server
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