

Analytics Connectors Manual / Version 2401

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3. Tracking

Tracking user actions on a website is typically implemented by adding calls to vendor specific JavaScript functions to the pages of the site. These functions populate a data structure which is eventually sent to the analytics service via a HTTP request for an invisible image, also known as tracking pixel.

The data being sent to the analytics service includes data about the following topics:

  • Content being displayed on the page

In addition, each analytics service requires some way of identifying the account the incoming data is to be written to.

The tracking configuration is stored in the content repository within the settings property of navigation content items. Note that settings can be linked to a content and content objects inherit settings defined for their navigation contexts (channels). So settings defined at a navigation override settings defined at its parent navigation. For a Page content bean named page, the Google Analytics configuration, for example, is stored under the property path page.settings.googleAnalytics.

The configuration options for tracking are described further down in Section 3.4, “Studio Integration”.

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