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Release Notes / Version 12.2404

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Migration of Spring XML configuration files to Java Configuration

In the course of migrating from Spring XML to Java configurations, some XML files were removed in favor of their replacement Java Spring configuration classes. The details can be found below:

  • removed bpbase-links-postprocessor.xml (import BlueprintLinksPostprocessorsConfiguration instead)

  • removed bpbase-context-finder-services.xml (import NavigationContextFinderConfiguration instead)

  • removed handler-services.xml (import CaeHandlerServicesConfiguration instead)

  • removed link-services.xml (import CaeLinkServicesConfiguration instead)

  • removed user-services.xml (import UserServicesConfiguration instead)

  • removed cap-xliff-service.xml (import CapXliffConfiguration instead)

  • removed mimetype-service.xml (import MimeTypeServiceConfiguration instead)

  • removed com.coremedia.cap.test.xmlrepo.XmlRepoResources (import Java configuration classes instead)


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