Content Server Manual / Version 2412.0
Table Of Contents
In CoreMedia CMS you define your content type definitions in XML files.
CoreMedia CMS allows you to administrate content type definitions modularly.
That means, that content types can be defined in different independent files, instead of one monolithic
file. The Content Server loads and combines all content type files
which match a given pattern. You can define the pattern in the cap.server.documentTypes
Section 5.1, “Configuration Property Reference” for details).
You can also link from one content type file to content types and grammars defined in other files.
In this example, the content type BaseDocument
and the grammar mycompany-richtext
defined in the base-doctypes.xml
file and are also used in the specific-doctypes.xml
file. To this end, both are imported using the <ImportDocType>
<DocumentTypeModel xmlns="" xmlns:extensions="" Name=“Base-Doctypes“> <XmlGrammar Name="mycompany-richtext" Root="company" PublicId="-//MyCompany//DTD Richtext 1.0//EN" SystemId="lib/xml/mycompany-richtext.dtd"/> <DocType Name="BaseDocument" Abstract=“true“> <StringProperty Name="Titel" Length="200"/> </DocType> </DocumentTypeModel>
Example 4.1. The base-doctypes.xml file
<DocumentTypeModel xmlns="" xmlns:extensions=""> <ImportDocType Name="BaseDocument" From="Base-Doctypes"/> <ImportGrammar Name="mycompany-richtext" From="Base-Doctypes"/> <DocType Name="Text" Parent="BaseDocument"> <XmlProperty Name="Text" Grammar="mycompany-richtext"/> </DocType> </DocumentTypeModel>
Example 4.2. The specific-doctypes.xml file