Operations Basics / Version 2412.0
Table Of ContentsThe default deployment of CoreMedia's collaborative components is with a MongoDB database. When deployed with a MongoDB database, configure the collaborative components to connect to your MongoDB instance using the configuration properties given below.
Use SQL as Persistence Layer
Since CoreMedia Content Cloud v12.2412.0, you can use SQL as a persistence layer for the collaborative components.
For more information, see Section 4.2.4, “SQL Replacement for MongoDB-Based Editorial Services” in Blueprint Developer Manual .
Property | Example | Description |
The URL of the MongoDB to connect to. Replace <Username> ,
<Password> , <Host> and
<Port> with the appropriate values of the MongoDB installation. Add
this property to the WEB-INF/application.properties file of
Studio, User Changes Application and
Workflow Server,
and let it point to your MongoDB.
When the collaborative components persist collaboration data to a
MongoDB database, the default name of its database is
prefixed by blueprint . To configure a different database name prefix, add
this property to WEB-INF/application.properties files of
Studio, User Changes Application and
Workflow Server>.
Table 4.8. Properties for persistence of collaboration data to MongoDB
MongoDB Authentication
MongoDB authentication is enabled on deployment level, and the user coremedia/coremedia is created by default.
Authentication is performed against the admin database. Example:
use admin db.auth('coremedia','coremedia')
The default mongodb.client-uri
is configured with credentials, for example
For development with a MongoDB without authentication, either remove the credentials prefix from the
property or create a user with:
use admin db.createUser({user: 'coremedia', pwd: 'coremedia', roles: ['userAdminAnyDatabase', 'dbAdminAnyDatabase', 'readWriteAnyDatabase']});