

Operations Basics / Version 2412.0
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CoreMedia CMS uses file based licenses. Only server applications (Content Management Server and Live Servers) have a license file on their own. All other applications are licensed by the license file of the server they connect to. The license file will be read in from the directory defined in the property cap.server.license and will be validated each time the licensed application starts. If the license is valid, the application will start properly. CoreMedia distinguishes between two kinds of licenses:

  • Time-based license

  • Limits the use of an application to a specific period.

  • IP-based license

  • Limits the use of an application to a specific computer, defined by its IP address and/or host name.

Both license types can define a valid CoreMedia CMS release using the release attribute. If you use time-based licenses, the application will not start if the license has expired. In addition, the license file defines a grace period. You receive a notification, after exceeding the grace period.

Both license types may limit the number of clients that can connect to the application simultaneously. This is achieved, using the following concepts:

  • Named user

  • A named user is a specific CoreMedia CMS user, known by the system. Each service connects as a user to the server. The attribute named-users defines the maximum number of users that are allowed to use a specific service.

  • Concurrent user

  • Concurrent users are users that are connected simultaneously to the server. The attribute concurrent-users defines the maximum number of named users that are allowed to connect simultaneously.

  • Multiplicity

  • A named user may connect several times to the server (use Studio in different browsers, for example). The attribute multiplicity defines the maximum number of allowed connections for a named user.

Use the utility sessions (see Section, “Sessions” in Content Server Manual) to get this information and the utility usedlicenses (see Section, “Usedlicenses in Content Server Manual) to free used licenses. If the built-in user admin (user ID 0) has no open sessions, that user may log in to the Content Server even if the licenses are otherwise exhausted. This makes it possible to start the utilities for recovering from a license shortage in any case.

A server license can be exchanged at runtime without restarting the server. The property cap.server.license defines the location of the license file. When the file or location changes, the server will automatically reload the license. Reloading the license will not cause any open sessions to be closed, even if the new license is more restrictive than the old one.

  <Server type="production"/>
  <Property name="licensed-to" value="Customer"/>
  <Property name="workflow" value="enabled"/>
  <Property name="elastic-social" value="enabled"/>
  <Property name="personalization" value="enabled"/>
  <Property name="analytics" value="enabled"/>
  <Property name="livecontext" value="enabled"/>
  <Property name="brand-blueprint" value="enabled"/>
  <Property name="asset-management" value="enabled"/>
  <Property name="id" value="10394"/>
  <Valid from="01.01.2015" until="01.12.2015" grace="01.11.2015"/>
  <License service="editor" concurrent-users="30000"
  <License service="system" concurrent-users="5"
  <License service="webserver" concurrent-users="15"
  <License service="studio" concurrent-users="15"
  <License service="workflow" concurrent-users="600"
  <License service="importer" concurrent-users="2"
  <License service="publisher" concurrent-users="33"
  <License service="debug" concurrent-users="100"
  <License service="replicator" concurrent-users="5"
  <License service="feeder" concurrent-users="2"

Example 4.2. A sample license file

The attributes of the License file elements have the following meaning:

Element Attribute Description
Server type

The type of the server for which the license is valid. Possible values are:

  • production: The Content Management Server

  • publication: The Master Live Server

  • live: The Replication Live Server

Property name

The aim of the property. Possible values are:

  • licensed-to: The customer to which the system is licensed.

  • workflow: Defines if the programmable workflow is licensed ("enabled").

  • analytics: Defines if Analytics is licensed ("enabled").

  • elastic-social: Defines if Elastic Social is licensed ("enabled").

  • personalization: Defines if Adaptive Personalization is licensed ("enabled").

  • elastic-social: Defines if Elastic Social is licensed ("enabled").

  • id: The unique ID of the license.

  value The value of the property. The possible values depend on the name attribute.
Valid from The starting date of the validity of the license.
  until The end date of the validity of the license.
  grace The starting point of the grace period.
  release The CoreMedia release for which the license is valid.
  host The host name for which the license is valid.
  ip The IP address for which the license is valid.
License service The name of a service that might connect to the server.
  concurrent-users The maximum number of simultaneously allowed sessions of this service.
  named-users The maximum number of users that are allowed to be allocated to the service.
  multiplicity The maximum number of sessions a user is allowed to open.

Table 4.9. Elements of a license file

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