

Operations Basics / Version 2412.0
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Depending on their function the command-line tools are split into several directories, for example the tools that work with the Content Management Server are combined in a directory called cms-tools. The command-line tools are started by calling the cm command. On entering the command bin/cm without further details, an overview of the commands available in the respective directory is given.

Under Windows the command-line tools can be started with a JVM 64-bit using the cm64.exe application launcher, which is also located in the bin directory.

Note that the cm command always changes the working directory to COREM_HOME, which is the base directory of the tools. Thus, if a relative path is given as a parameter (with the -script parameter in cm sql, for instance) it must be relative to COREM_HOME.

The cm command can use the -nolog option. This option overwrites the OUTPUT_REDIRECT parameter setting of the cm.jpif file with the empty value. Thus, all log output is written to standard out.

You will find a description of all server utilities in Section 3.13, “Server Utility Programs” in Content Server Manual and Section 3.5, “Workflow Server Utilities” in Workflow Manual. Other tools, which can be started with cm can be found all over the manual.

Note: <cm>-xmlimport is a freely configurable XML importer, in which the prefix <cm> can be exchanged for any other desired prefix (see the Importer Manual).

$ cm
Usage: bin/cm application parameter*
where application is one of: approve bulkpublish cancelpublication
changepassword checklicense cleanrecyclebin cleanversions dbindex
destroy destroyversions dump dumpusers encryptpasswordproperty
encryptpasswords events groovysh ior jconsole jmxdump
killsession license migrateplacements module multisiteconverter
post-config pre-config processorusage publications
publishall publish queryapprove query querypublish recordstate
repositorystatistics republish restorestate restoreusers rules
runlevel schemaaccess search serverexport serverimport sessions
sql systeminfo tracesession unlockcontentserver usedlicenses
validate-multisite version


Example 4.1. Output of cm in the cms-tools directory

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