

Unified API Developer Manual / Version 2412.0
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In this section you will see how Workflow Server plugins are written using the Unified API. There are eight possible types of plugins: actions, long actions, final actions, expressions, rights policies, performer policies, client action handlers, and managers. While most of these plugins can still be written using the classic Workflow API introduced with CoreMedia CAP 4.0, it is generally simpler to use the Unified API.

Of these plugins, the client action handlers live purely in Unified API clients, rights policies are needed both in the clients and on the Workflow Server, and the remaining three interfaces are instantiated on the server, only.

When implementing plugins, the comments from the Workflow Developer Manual generally carry over directly to the Unified API. In particular, restrictions on the permitted operations for the various plugin types are also applicable when using the Unified API.

In the following, you will learn about actions in Section 6.10.3, “Actions”, long actions in Section 6.10.4, “Long Actions”, final actions in Section 6.10.5, “Final Actions”, expressions in Section 6.10.6, “Expressions”, performers policies in Section 6.10.7, “Performer Policies”, rights policies in Section 6.10.8, “Rights Policies”, client action handlers in Section 6.10.9, “Remote Client Actions” and managers in Section 6.10.10, “Managers”.

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