• In CoreMedia Content Cloud, an adapter is a component which connects a third-party system with a CoreMedia Hub. An example is the Feedback Hub Adapter for Imagga which connects the Imagga KI based tagging of images with CoreMedia Studio through the Feedback Hub.

  • Whether you are a new customer or have worked with CoreMedia Studio for a long time, and are looking for a plugin or an extension: at some point, you surely will come across the CoreMedia Marketplace: https://marketplace.coremedia.com/.

    Addons is the umbrella term we use for all kinds of plugins and extensions.

  • AEPs also contain bug fixes and improvements. But they also include new features and enhancements, which might be breaking. Therefore, projects are often required to carry out upgrade tasks.

  • AMPs contain mostly bug fixes and minor release types improvements. AMPs are kept free of breaking changes, meaning that projects usually have only minor upgrade work to carry out, for example merging and regression testing.

  • CoreMedia application plugins are (besides CoreMedia extensions) a way to extend CoreMedia Content Cloud applications. The focus of plugins are clear APIs and strong isolation to increase reusability and decrease maintenance effort. Application plugins are meant to be developed and released separately. This way plugins can be packaged with the application at a later time, for example, when creating a Docker image or even later, when deploying the application.

    The technology to implement plugins is different for Studio Client than for the Java-based applications.

    See the Application Plugins chapter in the Developer Manual for more details.

  • CoreMedia CMS contains a Content Management Environment for content creation and management and a Content Delivery Environment for content delivery. Content has to be published from the Management Environment to the Delivery Environment in order to become visible to customers. Before content can be published, it has to be approved. This way, CoreMedia CMCC supports the dual control principle.

  • Article

    In CoreMedia Studio, an Article is one of many content items. Pictures and videos, for example, are also content items. To learn more, you can read the following guide: https://documentation.coremedia.com/how-to-guides/studio-fundamentals/create-an-article/.

  • Information about elements of a component in your website design/build.

  • All of the behind-the-scenes digital operations that it takes to keep the front end of a website running, such as the coding, style, and plugins. If the front end of your website is what the audience sees onstage, the back end encompasses the stagehands, makeup artists, costumers, tech crew, stage managers, etc. simultaneously running the show from backstage.

  • Binary Large Object or short blob. In CoreMedia you have a BlobProperty type for binary objects, such as graphics.

  • CoreMedia Blueprint is a reference project in a predefined working environment that integrates all CoreMedia components and is ready for start. Each Blueprint contains advanced code modules, site templates, style sheets, and sample content that meets nearly any requirement that customers need in order to get started.

    The CoreMedia workspace contains two blueprints, the eCommerce Blueprint and the Brand Blueprint.

  • Bricks are reusable frontend modules for themes. They can contain templates, styles, images, fonts, resource bundles and JavaScript.

    Bricks separate a set of frontend features, views or related functionality, like ImageMaps or Responsive Images, into small modules. Each brick is a self-containing node package clearly defining its dependencies.

  • Library to share target browsers between different frontend tools. See https://github.com/ai/browserslist/

  • An error or flaw in the website or app that keeps it from running as expected.

  • A bundle of RGUs refers to a package that includes multiple revenue-generating units combined into a single offering. For example, a client might offer a bundle that includes Internet service, cable TV, and a phone line. Each of these services is an individual RGU, and together they form a bundle. Bundling RGUs can provide customers with a more attractive deal and help the client increase their overall revenue by selling multiple services together.

    # Bundles is the number of packages sold in a contact.

  • Content as a Service or short caas, a synonym for the CoreMedia Headless Server.

  • The storage of certain elements to help with faster load times from repeat website visitors. Often developers will tell you to clear your browser’s cache if they make a change on the website that you can’t see — most likely your cache is holding onto an older version and hasn’t made room for the new one yet. (Kind of like that period of time between you moving to college and your parents converting your childhood bedroom into a home-office–slash–exercise-room.)

  • Content applications often require search functionality not only for single content items but for content beans. The CAE Feeder makes content beans searchable by sending their data to the Search Engine, which adds it to the index.

  • A calltracker is an inbound voice call to a phone number that your onsite campaign or application associates with a visitor, allowing the visitor to call your contact center. Engagement Cloud selects phone numbers for calltracker inbound calls from a pool of pre-defined numbers. You can use the phone numbers in calltracker voice calls to identify visitors.

    The application associates the pool of phone numbers in the Edit Application window on Engagement Cloud.

  • A campaign is a planned sequence of activities that aim to achieve goals, such as promoting a product, raising awareness, or engaging with the audience of your products. You can configure campaigns in Engagement Studio.

    The following table lists the types of campaigns available in CoreMedia Experience Platform:

    OnsiteThis type of campaign allows you to include elements in your website to interact with the visitors and contacts of your website. For example, include survey that allows the visitor to register or a chatbot that allows your visitors and contacts to ask questions about your products.
    Landing pageThis type of campaign is similar to the Onsite campaign, but is only applied to the website landing page.
    A/B TestThis type of campaign allows you to offer different content to different segments of visitors and contacts, compare results with a control campaign, and verify the type of content visitors and contacts engage more.
    OffsiteThis type of campaign allows you to reach your contact through channels outside your website like voice, SMS, and email.
  • One of the following:

    • A company or organization using the services of CoreMedia.
    • An application that connects and works with CoreMedia Experience Platform. For example, Content Studio is a client of the Content Server.
  • The CoreMedia Commerce Hub controls communication of CoreMedia apps with commerce systems by defining a vendor agnostic API covering the most common eCommerce features and providing a default client-server implementation of this API.

  • One of the following:

    • The record of the customer in the Digital Experience Platform containing information like the name of the customer, organization, and status. The contact of a customer must have at least, a phone number or an e-mail address.
      Typically, contacts are part of a list of contacts. Campaigns use lists of contacts to reach out to customers with, for example, promotional emails or follow up calls.
    • The record of an interaction between a customer and the contact center. The contact includes detailed information about the interactions that the customer had with the contact center. Each customer can have more than one contact.
      The contact includes information like the date and duration of the interaction, the purpose and the channel of the interaction, if the interaction used an IVR, the phone number or email used in the interaction, if the interaction was initiated in a Click2Call, among others.
      Note that it is not mandatory for the contact to have an operator associated. The customer can end the contact, for example, in an IVR or with a chatbot.
  • A contact form is an online form that you can include on your website to allow visitors to reach out to your company. It's a structured way to collect information like a person's name, email address, message, and sometimes other details like phone numbers or inquiry topics.

    It can be used to simplify communication and keep email addresses private while enabling direct contact.

  • The Content Application Engine (CAE) is a framework for developing content applications with CoreMedia CMS.

    While it focuses on web applications, the core frameworks remain usable in other environments such as standalone clients, portal containers or web service implementations.

    The CAE uses the Spring Framework for application setup and web request processing.

  • A content bean defines a business oriented access layer to the content, that is managed in CoreMedia CMS and third-party systems. Technically, a content bean is a Java object that encapsulates access to any content, either to CoreMedia CMS content items or to any other kind of third-party systems. Various CoreMedia components like the CAE Feeder or the data view cache are built on this layer. For these components the content beans act as a facade that hides the underlying technology.

  • The Content Delivery Environment is the environment in which the content is delivered to the end user.

    It may contain any of the following modules:

    • CoreMedia Master Live Server

    • CoreMedia Replication Live Server

    • CoreMedia Content Application Engine

    • CoreMedia Search Engine

    • Elastic Social

    • CoreMedia Adaptive Personalization

    • CoreMedia Headless Server

  • The Content Feeder is a separate web application that feeds content items of the CoreMedia repository into the CoreMedia Search Engine. Editors can use the Search Engine to make a full text search for these fed items.

  • In CoreMedia CMS, content is stored as self-defined content items (formerly known as documents), for example, Article, Page or Picture. Content items are specified by their properties or fields which define the content type. Typical content properties are, for example, title, author, image and text content.

  • The Content Management Environment is the environment for editors. The content is not visible to the end user. It may consist of the following modules:

    • CoreMedia Content Management Server

    • CoreMedia Workflow Server

    • CoreMedia Importer

    • CoreMedia Site Manager

    • CoreMedia Studio

    • CoreMedia Search Engine

    • CoreMedia Adaptive Personalization

    • CoreMedia Preview CAE

  • Together with the Master Live Server and the Replication Live Server it is one of the CoreMedia Content Servers.

    The Content Management Server is used to manage the content in CoreMedia Content Cloud.

  • The content repository stores versioned documents that are organized in a folder tree. It allows the user to create, retrieve, read and update stored documents and folders while checking access rights. Physically, the content is stored in a relational database.

  • Content Server is the umbrella term for all servers that directly access the CoreMedia repository:

    Content Servers are web applications running in a servlet container.

    • Content Management Server
    • Master Live Server
    • Replication Live Server
  • A content type describes the properties of a certain type of content. Such properties are for example title, text content, author, ... In Studio you create content items of a specific content type, for example, Article, Page or Picture.

  • Control Room is a Studio plugin, which enables users to manage projects, work with workflows, and collaborate by sharing content with other Studio users.

  • A cookie is data stored in text format on the computer of the visitor. Cookies, typically, expire after a pre-defined date and include the pages to which the cookie applies. The data included in a cookie, allow the site to persist the visitor session, store the visitor preferences, and track the journey of the visitor in the site. For example, cookies allow persistence of items in a shopping cart between two different visits to the same site.

  • CoreMedia Content Cloud has been developed to provide a universal solution for the creation and management of content.

    The use of modern development tools and open interfaces enables the system to be flexibly adapted to enterprise requirements. For this purpose, worldwide standards for information processing, such as XML, HTML, HTTP, REST, Ajax, CORBA and the Java Platform are used or supported.

    CoreMedia Content Cloud is a distributed system, which consists of several components (among them, for example, the Core Media Content Server, the CoreMedia Commerce Hub, eCommerce Connectors, CoreMedia Studio, or CoreMedia Blueprints) for different use cases.

    Conceptually, a CoreMedia system can be divided into the Content Management Environment where editors create and manage the content and the Content Delivery Environment where the content is delivered to the customers. Some components are used in both environments, mostly to give you a realistic preview of your websites.

  • CoreMedia Content Cloud Self-Managed is an on-premise software which the customer installs and deploys on its own, for complete freedom in extensibility and deployment.

  • CoreMedia Content Cloud - Service is a fully vendor-managed service which offers the customer simplicity and scalability with ultimate time to market.

  • When search engines send bots to your website in order to gather intel on pages that exist and don’t exist in order to determine what content should be displayed or removed on search engines.

  • CSS stands for “Cascading Style Sheet” and is code that tells browsers how to display a webpage for the end user. This programming formats fonts, colors, and other visual elements. When redeveloping a website, editing these elements in the mockup/GUI phase is much easier than changing in CSS.

  • The buttons on your website that drive certain conversions or goals such as donations, newsletter signups, or user registrations.

  • A person who buys goods or services from CoreMedia clients.

  • A link that does not lead to the intended site.

  • At CoreMedia, a derived site is a site, which receives localizations from its master site. A derived site might itself take the role of a master site for other derived sites.

  • DevOps stands for “Development Operations” and is a term for a system of working that helps to keep development, IT operations, and quality assurance departments on the same page to make for better end-products and collaborations.

  • A Document Type Definition is a formal context-free grammar for describing the structure of XML entities.

    The particular DTD of a given Entity can be deduced by looking at the document prolog:

    <!DOCTYPE coremedia SYSTEM "http://www.coremedia.com/dtd/coremedia.dtd"

    There're two ways to indicate the DTD: Either by Public or by System Identifier. The System Identifier is just that: a URL to the DTD. The Public Identifier is an SGML Legacy Concept.

  • Success rate of the keys pressed by the customer and processed by the IVR according to the following formula:

    DTMF Success Rate = (Successful DTMF Inputs / Total DTMF Inputs) * 100

    • Successful DTMF Inputs: The number of DTMF inputs that were successfully pressed by the customer and successful processed by the IVR.
    • Total DTMF Inputs: The total number of DTMF inputs that were pressed by the customer.


    if 72 out of 100 DTMF inputs were successfully processed by the IVR, then the DTMF Success Rate would be:

    DTMF Success Rate = (72 / 100) * 100 = 72%

  • Acronym for Digital Experience Platform. A digital experience platform (DXP) is an integrated set of core technologies that support the composition, management, delivery and optimization of contextualized digital experiences.


  • Trademarked scripting-language specification standardized by Ecma International in ECMA-262. One of the best-known implementations of ECMAScript is JavaScript.

  • CoreMedia Elastic Social is a component of CoreMedia CMS that lets users engage with your website. It supports features like comments, rating, likings on your website. Elastic Social is integrated into CoreMedia Studio so editors can moderate user generated content from their common workplace. Elastic Social bases on NoSQL technology and offers nearly unlimited scalability.

  • EXML is an XML dialect used in former CoreMedia Studio versions for the declarative development of complex Ext JS components. EXML is the Jangaroo 2 equivalent to Apache Flex (formerly Adobe Flex) MXML and compiles down to ActionScript. Starting with release 1701 / Jangaroo 4, standard MXML syntax is used instead of EXML.

  • CoreMedia Extensions are (besides CoreMedia Plugins) a way to extend CoreMedia Content Cloud applications. An extension adds new features to one or more CoreMedia applications. Extensions are usually part of a project's Blueprint workspace and are built together with the application.

    The CoreMedia Extensions tool is used to disable, enable, remove and add prefabricated and custom extensions.

    See the Extensions chapter for more details.

  • The CoreMedia Feedback Hub offers the possibility to provide feedback for CoreMedia content. You can also connect external systems to the Feedback Hub in order to collect feedback.

    Currently, the Feedback Hub supports validators, editorial Comments and keywords integration. Conceptually, it is designed to support arbitrary flavors of feedback, though, and future versions of CMCC may introduce more Feedback Hub features.

    See the Feedback Hub section in the Developer Manual for more details.

  • A folder is a resource in the CoreMedia system which can contain other resources. Conceptually, a folder corresponds to a directory in a file system.

  • Suite of programs used in website or software development. This lays the groundwork for the type of programming language used for your site or app development.

  • The part of the website or app that the user sees. If the back end of your website is everything behind-the-scenes, this is what happens onstage.

  • Method of exchanging files from one computer to another.

    This is also how websites are uploaded to the Internet.

  • An information system which is developed and/or used in a global context. Some examples of GIS are SAP, The Global Learning Objects Brokered Exchange and other systems.

  • GUI stands for Graphical User Interface and is the visual way of interacting with a computer using items such as windows, icons and menus, used by most modern operating systems.

  • The CoreMedia Headless Server (HLS) is a component introduced with CoreMedia Content Cloud which allows access to CoreMedia content as JSON through a GraphQL endpoint.

    The generic API allows customers to use CoreMedia CMS for headless use cases, for example, delivery of pure content to Native Mobile Applications, Smartwatches/Wearable Devices, Out-of-Home or In-Store Displays or Internet-of-Things use cases.

  • The main entry point for all visitors of a site. Technically it is often referred to as root document and also serves as provider of the default layout for all subpages.

  • In CoreMedia Content Cloud a hub is a component with a vendor agnostic API which allows to connect third-party systems to CoreMedia through adapters. CoreMedia Content Cloud contains the following hubs:

    • Commerce Hub
    • Content Hub
    • Feedback Hub
    • Personalization Hub
  • Document series of Best current practice (BCP) defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). It includes the definition of IETF language tags, which are an abbreviated language code such as en for English, pt-BR for Brazilian Portuguese, or nan-Hant-TW for Min Nan Chinese as spoken in Taiwan using traditional Han characters.

  • Component of the CoreMedia system for importing external content of varying format.

  • A CORBA term, Interoperable Object Reference refers to the name with which a CORBA object can be referenced.

  • Jangaroo is a JavaScript framework developed by CoreMedia that supports TypeScript (formerly MXML/ActionScript) as an input language which is compiled down to JavaScript compatible with Ext JS. You will find detailed descriptions on the Jangaroo webpage.

    Jangaroo 4 is the ActionScript/MXML/Maven based version for CMCC 10.

    Since CMCC 11 (2110), Jangaroo uses TypeScript and is implemented as a Node.js and npm based set of tools.

  • The Java Management Extensions is an API for managing and monitoring applications and services in a Java environment. It is a standard, developed through the Java Community Process as JSR-3. Parts of the specification are already integrated with Java 5. JMX provides a tiered architecture with the instrumentation level, the agent level and the manager level. On the instrumentation level, MBeans are used as managed resources.

  • Interpreted programming language which is one of the three core technologies of web development.

  • JSP is a template technology based on Java for generating dynamic HTML pages.

    It consists of HTML code fragments in which Java code can be embedded.

  • A JSON web token, used for authentication in various places.

  • A reserved word with a special meaning in a computer language. For example for, if, dim in Visual Basic.

  • A lead refers to an individual or organization that has shown interest in your product, service, or brand. Leads are typically identified when they provide their contact information (like an email address or phone number) or take an action that signals interest, such as:

    • Filling out a form on your website.
    • Downloading a resource (e.g., an eBook, whitepaper, or case study).
    • Subscribing to a newsletter.
    • Registering for a webinar or event.

    The goal in digital marketing is to attract, capture, and nurture these leads through various strategies, such as email marketing, content marketing, and targeted advertising, with the ultimate objective of converting them into paying customers.

    In CoreMedia Digital Experience Platform, a lead contains contact information as the phone number, email address, and name of the contact. The type of browser and device that the contact used to access the website. The creation and closing dates of the lead as well as the RGUs and the sale value.

  • Locale is a combination of country and language. Thus, it refers to translation as well as to localization. Locales used in translation processes are typically represented as IETF BCP 47 language tags.

  • In Engagement Studio and Contact Center and Analytics Studio, manager is the role responsible for managing supervisors and their respective teams, as well as, configuring the platform, including language definitions and themes. This role handles team configurations, associated skills, operators, other team members, manages campaigns, and visualizes and reviews all operational data (metrics, statistics, lead, and contact data).

  • Marking of parts of a document, structurally (section, paragraph, quote, ...) or with layout (bold, italic, ...).

  • Together with the Content Management Server and the Replication Live Server it is one of the CoreMedia Content Servers.

    The Master Live Server is the heart of the Content Delivery Environment. It receives published content from the Content Management Server and makes it available to the CAE (CoreMedia Content Application Engine).

    If you are using the CoreMedia Multi-Master Management Extension, you may use multiple Master Live Servers in a CoreMedia system.

  • At CoreMedia, a master site is a site other localized sites are derived from. A localized site might itself take the role of a master site for other derived sites.

  • With Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME), the format of multi-part, multimedia emails, and of web documents is standardized.

  • A node is a point of intersection/connection within a data communication network. In an environment where all devices are accessible through the network, these devices are all considered nodes. The individual definition of each node depends on the type of network it refers to.

  • Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment for executing JavaScript code server-side.

  • npm stands for "Node Package Manager" and is the default package manager for Node.js.

  • OOTB stands for “Out of the Box”. Also known as “Off the Shelf.” These are the ready-made, plug-and-play options for features and functions that you can download and install without the need to customize or configure. Instead of making the brownies from scratch, you’re using the mix (either way, it’s still tasty).

  • Angle brackets (< >) that bookend an HTML element to help build the structure of a webpage. Closing tags include a forward slash (<\/>). For example, if we were going to italicize part of this sentence, we would open with and close with .

  • In the Engagement Studio and the Contact Center and Analytics Studio, an operator is the role responsible for interacting with visitors. Operators are the ones who handle customer interactions.

    Operators can only see the channels that enter their skill and the conversations assigned to them.

  • Contains metadata about an app or module such as its name, version, and dependencies. To learn about the official specification, see https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v9/configuring-npm/package-json

  • CoreMedia Personalization provides the basis for creating a personalized usage experience. It contains a server-side part with profile management and dynamic content selection and a client-side part.

  • Modules or software that can be added (“plugged in”) to a system for added functionality or features.

  • pnpm is an alternative package manager for Node.js.

  • With CoreMedia projects, you can group content and manage and edit it collaboratively, setting due dates and defining to-dos. Projects are created in the Control Room and managed in project tabs.

  • In relation to CoreMedia, properties have two different meanings:

    In CoreMedia, content items are described with properties (content fields). There are various types of properties, for example, strings (such as for the author), Blobs (for images, for instance) and XML for the textual content. Which properties exist for a content item depends on the content type.

    In connection with the configuration of CoreMedia components, the system behavior of a component is determined by properties.

  • Creates or updates resources on the CoreMedia Live Server.

  • A resolution standard for high-end monitors, televisions and mobile devices.

  • A quality gate is a milestone in an IT project that requires that predefined criteria be met before the project can proceed to the next phase.

  • Together with the Content Management Server and the Master Live Server it is one of the CoreMedia Content Servers.

    The aim of the CoreMedia Replication Live Server is to distribute load on different servers and to improve the robustness of the Content Delivery Environment.

    The Replication Live Server is a complete Content Server installation. Its content is an replicated image of the content of a Master Live Server. The Replication Live Server updates its database due to change events from the Master Live Server.

    You can connect an arbitrary number of Replication Live Servers to the Master Live Server.

  • A folder or a content item in the CoreMedia system.

  • Responsive design is an approach to design a website that provides an optimal viewing experience on different devices, such as PC, tablet, mobile phone.

  • An RGU, or Revenue Generating Unit, measures the number of individual services or products that generate revenue for the client in a contact. Each RGU represents a product bought or a single service subscribed to by a customer, such as a mobile phone, a phone line, Internet connection, or cable TV subscription. This metric helps the client track and analyze their revenue streams and customer base.

    # RGUS is the number of products or services sold in a contact.

  • In a rich text field, you can format text, insert tables, add links to other content items, and much more. This is similar to traditional "What you see is what you get" (WYSIWYG) editors and therefore very convenient when writing and editing articles. The Article Text field in Studio is a rich text field.

  • The uppermost folder in the CoreMedia folder hierarchy. Under this folder, CoreMedia users can add further folders and content items.

  • SAAS stands for “Software As A Service” and is the most basic of cloud platforms. It allows users to share files and collaborate on projects through their browser. Some SAAS platforms include Google Drive and Dropbox.

    Other cloud options are Platform as a Service (PAAS; Facebook, Twitter, etc.) and Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS; Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure).

  • A light-weight CMCC development environment deployed in all customer accounts.

  • A site is a cohesive collection of web pages in a single locale, sometimes referred to as localized site. In CoreMedia CMS a site especially consists of a site folder, a site indicator and a home page for a site.

    A typical site also has a master site it is derived from.

  • All contents of a site are bundled in one dedicated folder. The most prominent document in a site folder is the site indicator, which describes details of a site.

  • A site indicator is the central configuration object for a site. It is an instance of a special content type, most likely CMSite.

  • Swing component of CoreMedia for editing content items, managing users and workflows.

    The Site Manager is deprecated for editorial use.

  • Members of a site manager group are typically responsible for one localized site. Responsible means that they take care of the contents of that site and that they accept translation tasks for that site.

  • The CoreMedia Search Engine is based on Apache Solr. Apache Solr is an open source search platform built upon a Java library called Lucene.

  • Spark is a React example application based on React, TypeScript and the Headless Server of CoreMedia Content Cloud. It contains a GraphQL schema stitching server, and a commerce mocking server. CoreMedia customers can use Spark as a quick start for building prototype applications. However, CoreMedia does not recommends the use of these prototype apps in production environments.

  • In the Engagement Studio and the Contact Center and Analytics Studio, a supervisor is the role that coordinates, organizes, motivates, and helps operators with day-to-day work.

    This role has access to all contacts requested in their skill and is able to see all active contacts and operators.

  • A Tag, also called a “pixel,” is a snippet of HTML and JavaScript code that you insert in web pages. The tag's purpose is to collect information about visitor sessions or register events in specific moments. When web pages with tags load, the visitor browser runs the embedded JavaScript code in the tag and enables the functionality defined in the tag. You can add or remove functionality from the tag by adding or removing parameters. You can include tags in any section of a page according to the requirements of the tag. For example, the header, the body, the footer. Tags allow precise visitor analysis and support crucial marketing initiatives aimed at customer retention and conversion. Tags, typically, use cookies to uniquely identify the visitor and to maintain information about the visitor.

  • In CoreMedia, content types can be teasable. Technically, that means that it inherits from the CMTeasable content type. Practically, a teasable content, such as an Article, can be used at a teaser position in your site. There, only a part of the content will be shown (often with a call-to-action button) and when you click on the teaser you will be directed to the complete view of the content item, here to the complete Article.

  • A short piece of text or graphics which contains a link to the actual editorial content.

  • In CoreMedia, JSPs used for displaying content are known as Templates.


    In Blueprint a template is a predeveloped content structure for pages. Defined by typically an administrative user a content editor can use this template to quickly create a complete new page including, for example, navigation, predefined layout and even predefined content.

  • In the context of the Frontend Workspace a theme stands for a frontend package that composes templates, JavaScript, SCSS/CSS and resource bundles provided from bricks and third party libraries into a bundle that can be used by the CAE. See Section 6.1, “Example Themes”.

  • All CoreMedia themes provide a theme-importer script providing commands, which may be helpful only when using a remote Content Application Engine. All commands utilize a REST service co-located with Studio.

  • In Studio, Time-Travel is a function and part of the Preview Toolbar. It allows you to preview content at a specific date to review scheduled content appearance.

  • There are physical tokens as well, but in our context, we refer to a token as a credential for authentication. For example:

    • Access token: passed with requests to a CAE or a Headless Server to bypass the login process
    • A JWT
    • An external id for Campaigns
  • An EC2 instance that can be started to perform certain long-running tasks in customer accounts.

  • Editors in Studio in the translation manager role are in charge of triggering translation workflows for sites.

  • UI stands for “User Interface.” The visual elements that go into a website or app. This is the form to UX’s function.

  • CoreMedia Studio comes with an integrated user manager UI that allows administrating the groups and users that are allowed to access the different CoreMedia components and content. It also includes a roles & rights management where access types for content are configurable for groups and users.

  • The user repository stores information about users and groups. It allows you to create, retrieve, read and update user and groups that are stored in the built-in user management of the Content Server. It also provides read access to additional users and groups that are managed in an LDAP server that may be associated with the Content Server.

  • A UUID (Universal Unique Identifier) is a 128-bit value used to uniquely identify an object or entity on the internet. Depending on the specific mechanisms used, a UUID is either guaranteed to be different or is, at least, extremely likely to be different from any other UUID generated until A.D. 3400.

    CoreMedia supports UUIDs for its content.

  • UX stands for “User Experience”. A user’s interaction with an interface with a focus on how satisfying and successful the experience is. The function to complement UI’s form.

  • Most of the time used in context of content variants, variants refer to all localized versions within the complete hierarchy of master and their derived sites (including the root master itself).

  • A newly created content item receives the version number 1. New versions are created when the content item is checked in; these are numbered in chronological order.

  • A visitor is a person who has visited a webpage that includes the Coremedia Tag. CoreMedia Experience Platform attributes a unique identifier to each visitor and collects detailed information from the visitor open sessions and journey through the website.

    CoreMedia Experience Platform saves the visitor unique identifier in a cookie for future use.

  • Rate of corrected voice commands correctly understood by IVR acording to the following formula:

    Voice Recognition Accuracy = (Successful Voice Commands / Total Voice Commands) * 100

    • Successful Voice Commands: Voice commands that are correctly understood by the IVR.
    • Total Voice Commands: Total number of voice commands given to the IVR.


    If out of 80 voice commands, 63 were correctly understood by the IVR, then the Voice Recognition Accuracy would be:

    Voice Recognition Accuracy = (63 / 80) * 100 = 78.75%

  • In general CoreMedia CMS always guarantees link consistency. But links can be declared with the weak attribute, so that they are not checked during publication or withdrawal.

    Caution! Weak links may cause dead links in the live environment.

  • Webpack is an Open-source JavaScript module bundler that is highly extensible by the use of loaders to provide additional tasks and transformations for different file types.

  • Applications that allow for specific interactive functions to be performed on a website.

  • The bare bones structure of a website. No fonts, colors, or images, this layout is the first step to making sure that the foundation is sound before content is added.

  • A workflow is the defined series of tasks within an organization to produce a final outcome. Sophisticated applications allow you to define different workflows for different types of jobs. So, for example, in a publishing setting, a document might be automatically routed from writer to editor to proofreader to production. At each stage in the workflow, one individual or group is responsible for a specific task. Once the task is complete, the workflow software ensures that the individuals responsible for the next task are notified and receive the data they need to execute their stage of the process.

  • The Workflow App is a stand-alone application in which you manage your workflows. You start the workflows from the Control Room in Studio, but afterwards, you will manage the workflows in the Workflow App.

    Note: The Workflow App opens in a separate browser tab where you are already logged-in. When you log out from the Content App or Workflow App (or be automatically logged out) you will be logged out from both apps.

  • The workflow repository stores tasks and processes, and the definitions that describe their structure. It allows you to create and start new processes, observe the current state of the computation and many more.

  • The CoreMedia Workflow Server is part of the Content Management Environment. It comes with predefined workflows for publication and global-search-and-replace but also executes freely definable workflows.

  • “What You See is What You Get”. It is used to describe a type of user interface in which the user can see and edit the format of a document or web page as it will appear when it is published or displayed. If you’ve ever made text in your website bold just by highlighting and clicking “Bold,” you were using WYSIWYG.

  • XLIFF is an XML-based format, standardized by OASIS for the exchange of localizable data. An XLIFF file contains not only the text to be translated but also metadata about the text. For example, the source and target language. CoreMedia Studio allows you to export content items in the XLIFF format and to import the files again after translation.

  • YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) is a data-oriented language structure used as the input format for diverse software applications.

  • yarn is an alternative package manager for Node.js.

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