Adding Custom Notifications - CMCC 11

Last updated 5 months ago
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Learn how to add custom notifications to Studio

LightbulbWhat you'll learn

  • Prepare Studio for using custom notifications

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  • A Blueprint workspace

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Reading time: 5 to 10 minutes

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This guide is for Developers.
Table of Contents

Adding Custom Notifications

On several occasions, CoreMedia Studio shows notifications (see also Notifications. To add your own custom notifications to CoreMedia Studio is actually quite straightforward. In the following, the necessary steps are described.

  1. For your server-side module where you want to create a notification, make sure you add a Maven dependency on notification-api. This module contains the NotificationService API.

  2. Make sure that your web-app has a Maven dependency on com.coremedia.cms:notification-elastic. This module contains an Elastic Core based implementation of the NotificationService. For the Blueprint Studio web-app this is already taken care of by the extension module notification-elastic-studio-lib. By default, the provided NotificationService uses MongoDB.

  3. Finally, take care of declaring a NotificationService Spring bean, either via component scan or explicit declaration.

  4. For the Studio client side, you have to add the Maven dependency notification-studio-client to the module where you want to develop new notification UIs.

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