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Site Manager Developer Manual / Version 2104

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5.1.4 Column Classes

        <ColumnDefinition name="Text" class="StringColumn"
                <DisplayMap document="Text" property="Headline"/>
                <DisplayMap document="Image" property="AltText"/>
                <DisplayMap document="*"        property="name_"/>

Example 5.6. Example for the use of a column class

Column classes define how content is displayed in columns. A distinction can be made between column classes for different content:

  • Predefined content

  • These classes display the content of predefined properties of a document, such as DocumentTypeColumn, DocumentVersionColumn, ResourceDisplacementColumn and PathColumn.

  • Different fields according to the document type

  • These classes display the content of document properties which are filled by the user. The column classes are configured by means of multiple child elements <DisplayMap document='document type' property='property name'/>. The type '*' specifies a field which should be shown for all document types for which no field is explicitly given.

  • Content for workflows

  • These column classes display predefined content of workflows. The classes are shown in the following table.

Alternatively, a renderer can be set for each column class. The renderer carries out the display itself. For this purpose, an element, <Renderer class="Renderer class"/> must be embedded in the ColumnDefinition element. The renderer must be a subclass of the class hox.corem.editor.toolkit.columnrenderer.LayoutColumnRenderer. See the API documentation.

The standardized column classes (IntegerColumn, StringColumn, DateColumn, ...) as well as DocumentTypeColumn, DocumentVersionColumn, ResourceDisplacementColumn and PathColumn define which contents are held in the columns. Sort criteria can be chosen by a click on the column title bar, indicating the content type. Another click reverses the sort order.

Column classes for workflows

Class Description
hox.corem.editor.workflow.columns.WorklistDetailColumn Shows some information about the WfInstance (task or process) in the workflow list.
hox.corem.editor.workflow.columns.WorklistProcessColumn Shows some process information in the workflow list. The process is either the WfInstance itself or the parent process in case the WfInstance is a task.

Table 5.20. Column classes for workflows

Column classes for predefined columns


Field type


Type of the document. Exists implicitly in every document; sorted according to document type.


Version of the document. Exists implicitly in every document.


State of the document. Exists implicitly in every document; sorted according to the importance.


Path of the document. Exists implicitly in every document.

Table 5.21. Column classes for predefined columns

Column classes for user defined document properties


Field type


Default class when no other class is defined. Is not sorted.

IntegerColumn, StringColumn, DateColumn

Basic properties; sorted according to value.


SgmlTextProperty; is not sorted.


BlobProperty; sorted according to the size of the blob.


BlobProperty with MIME type Image; sorted according to size.


LinkListProperty; sorted according to document type.

Table 5.22. Column classes for user defined document properties

Some of the properties which exist implicitly in all documents can be addressed using the field names in the Property attribute given in the following table:

Property name Java type Description
id_ Integer Resource ID
name_ String Name of the resource in its folder
lastName_ String The last name of the resource, that is, the name before the last renaming
folderId_ Integer ID of the folder in which the resource lies
baseFolderId_ Integer The ID of the move delimiting folder from which this resource is a direct child of
creationDate_ Calendar Creation date of the resource
creator_ UserModel User who created the resource
creatorId_ Integer The ID of the creator of the resource
documenttype_ String The name of the document type of the document
modificationDate_ Calendar Date of the last modification of the resource
modifier_ UserModel User who last modified the resource
modifierId_ Integer ID of the modifier
isDeleted_ Boolean Is the resource marked as deleted?
isCheckedOut_ Boolean Is the resource checked out for editing?
version_ Integer Version number
latestVersion_ Integer Same as version_
isToBeWithdrawn_ Boolean Denotes if the resource is to be withdrawn
isLive_ Boolean Is true if the resource exists on the Live Server.
isNew_ Boolean Is true if the resource has never been present on the Live Server.
isMoved_ Boolean

Is false if the resource is not in the recycle bin and FOLDER_ID is different from LAST_FOLDER_ID

isRenamed_ Boolean Is true if NAME is not equal to LAST_NAME
isArchived_ Boolean Is true if the FOLDER_ID is the recycle bin
isUnarchived Boolean Is true if the LAST_FOLDER_ID is the recycle bin and current FOLDER_ID is not in the recycle bin
latestApprovedVersion_ Integer Dynamic property that is only valid for queries. Denotes the latest approved version.
latestPublishedVersion_ Integer Dynamic property that is only valid for queries. Denotes the latest published version.
placeApprovalDate_ Calendar The date of the place approval
placeApproverId_ Integer The ID of the place approver
placeApprover_ UserModel Denotes the place approver
isPlaceApproved_ Boolean Denotes if the place of the resource is approved
syncDate_ Calendar The date of the last synchronization, that is, publication to the Master Live Server
syncerId_ Integer The ID of the syncer

Table 5.23. Implicit properties

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