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Site Manager Developer Manual / Version 2104

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5.1.5 Renderer Classes

<ColumnDefinition name="Image" class="ImageColumn">
  <Renderer class="ImageLayoutColumnRenderer" width="50" 
  <DisplayMap document="Picture" property="thumbnail"/>
<ColumnDefinition name="Head">
  <Renderer class="StringPropertyLayoutColumnRenderer"/>
  <DisplayMap document="Article" property="headline"/>

Example 5.7. Example for the use of a renderer class

Renderer classes can be used to display the content of document fields in columns of the Explorer window, Query window and Resource chooser window. The predefined renderers are listed in the next table. For own renderer classes, you need to extent the class hox.corem.editor.toolkit.table.columnrenderer.LayoutColumnRenderer.




Combines the ImageLayoutColumnRenderer, LinkListPropertyLayoutColumnRenderer, SgmlTextPropertyLayoutColumnRenderer and StringPropertyLayoutColumnRenderer.


Usable for string, integer, Boolean and date fields. Displays plain text.


Usable for SgmlText fields. With the attribute displayLength, you can define the maximum length of the text to display. Default is "80".


Usable for BlobProperty fields. The size of the blob in KB is shown.


Usable for images of type .jpeg and .gif up to 10kB size. The width and height (in pixel) of the image can be defined with the attributes width and height.


Usable for LinkList fields. Two modes can be applied, using the attribute displaySummary. "True" (the default) will only show the number of links contained in the LinkList field. "False" will display one or more links included in the field. You can define the maximum number of shown links using the attribute noRenderedLinks (default is "1"). If you choose "0", all links will be shown.


Shows the displacement status of a document.


Usable for implied properties of the document (see the table in this chapter above). Display the property as plain text and optionally a state or document type icon using the attributes displayStateIcon and displayTypeIcon respectively. If you choose both icons to show, only the state icon will be displayed.

Table 5.24. Provided Renderer classes of CoreMedia CAP

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