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Site Manager Developer Manual / Version 2104

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4.7 Program Own Renderers

A renderer is used to render the table cells of the document table view in the Explorer, Workflow, Query and ResourceChooser window.

Class to subclass

In order to create your own renderer class you need to subclass the abstract hox.corem.editor.toolkit.table.columnrenderer.LayoutColumnRenderer class and implement the following two methods:

  • getComponent

  • This method returns the JComponent which will be used for the table cell. The method is called without parameters.

  • customizeComponent

  • This method is called with the JComponent returned from getComponent and an Object which contains the data to render. The actual object which will be passed to the method depends on the window for which the renderer is defined. In the Explorer window a ResourceHolder is passed and in the Workflow window a WfInstance is passed to the method.

Integrate your renderer into the Site Manager using editor.xml

You can integrate your renderer into the Site Manager using the element Renderer which can be used within the element ColumnDefinition. ColumnDefinition can be used within TableDefinition which can be used within the elements Explorer, Query, Workflow and ResourceChooser.

<Explorer name="configurable-explorer">
		<ColumnDefinition class="StringColumn" 
		name="" width="40" weight="0.0">
			<Renderer class=

Example 4.10. How to integrate a Renderer in the editor


The following example shows a very simple renderer which inserts a JLabel saying "Hello" in each cell of the table column independent of the column type.

package com.customer.example.editor;

import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JLabel;

public class ConstantLayoutColumnRenderer extends 
		LayoutColumnRenderer {
	public JComponent getComponent() {
		return new JLabel();

	public void customizeComponent(JComponent component, Object data) 
		JLabel label = (JLabel)component;

Example 4.11. Example of a customized Renderer class

Why returning the JLabel first and entering the text ("Hello") later? This is because customizeComponent will be called later, short before the rendering. It is good practice to execute "expensive" operations at this place.

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