Frontend Developer Manual / Version 2104
Table Of ContentsCode examples for a continuous theme import with Jenkins.
Theme Import Job Definition with Job DSL
new Job('import-themes') { concurrentBuild(false) jdk('Java 8') scm { git { branch('master') remote { github('account/repo') credentials('github-ci-creds') } extensions { cleanAfterCheckout() relativeTargetDirectory('blueprint') } } } parameters { booleanParam('PUBLISH', false, 'publish themes') } steps { maven { goals('clean install -pl :frontend,:theme-importer-application -am') rootPom('blueprint/pom.xml') mavenOpts('-Xmx1024m') localRepository(LocalRepositoryLocation.LOCAL_TO_WORKSPACE) properties(skipTests: true) mavenInstallation('Maven 3.6.0') providedSettings('coremedia-mvn-settings') } shell(''' LOGIN_ARGS="-u admin -p admin -Dcap.client.server.ior.url=<IOR_URL>" cd ${THEME_IMPORTER_DIR} for THEME_ZIP in ${THEMES_DIR}/*.zip; do THEME=${$(basename ${THEME_ZIP})%%-*} ./bin/cm import-themes ${LOGIN_ARGS} ${THEME_ZIP} if [ "${PUBLISH}" = "true" ]; then ./bin/cm approve ${LOGIN_ARGS} -t /Themes/${THEME} ./bin/cm bulkpublish ${LOGIN_ARGS} -a -b -c /Themes/${THEME} fi done ''') } }
Example 5.10. Job DSL description of theme import
Theme Import Job Definition with Jenkinsfile
pipeline { options { disableConcurrentBuilds() } agent any tools { maven 'Maven 3.6.0' jdk 'Java 8' } parameters { booleanParam( name: 'PUBLISH', defaultValue: false, description: 'publish themes') } stages { stage('checkout workspace') { steps { checkout( [$class : 'GitSCM', branches : [['master']], userRemoteConfigs : [[credentialsId: 'git-ci-creds', url: 'account/repo']]]) extensions : [[$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: 'blueprint'], [$class: 'CleanBeforeCheckout']] } } stage('build themes') { steps { configFileProvider([configFile( fileId: 'coremedia-mvn-settings', variable: 'MVN_SETTINGS')]) { sh ''' cd blueprint MVN_ARGS="-Dmaven.repo.local=.repository -s ${MVN_SETTINGS}" mvn clean install ${MAVEN_ARGS} -pl :frontend ''' } } } stage('import themes) { steps { configFileProvider( [configFile(fileId: 'coremedia-mvn-settings', variable: 'MVN_SETTINGS')]) { sh ''' LOGIN_ARGS="-u admin -p admin -Dcap.client.server.ior.url=<IOR_URL>" MVN_ARGS="-Dmaven.repo.local=.repository -s ${MVN_SETTINGS}" cd blueprint mvn install ${MAVEN_ARGS} -pl :theme-importer-application cd ${THEME_IMPORTER_DIR} for THEME_ZIP in ${THEMES_DIR}/*.zip; do THEME=${$(basename ${THEME_ZIP})%%-*} ./bin/cm import-themes ${LOGIN_ARGS} ${THEME_ZIP} if [ "${PUBLISH}" = "true" ]; then ./bin/cm approve ${LOGIN_ARGS} -t /Themes/${THEME} ./bin/cm bulkpublish ${LOGIN_ARGS} -a -b -c /Themes/${THEME} fi done ''' } } } } }
Example 5.11. Jenkinsfile description of theme import