Frontend Developer Manual / Version 2104
Table Of ContentsInstead of directly uploading a built theme to Studio, you can first deploy the theme artifact to a Maven repository and later consume the theme artifact by a separate upload process. A good reason to do so is to continuously import snapshot builds of themes in development systems but only import released themes in testing and production environments.
Deploying the Theme Artifacts to a Maven Repository Server
The first step in order to deploy released themes is to release the theme artifacts themselves. In the current Blueprint,
there is no direct way to deploy them, so you need to add some Maven steps to do so. The example snippet below shows a
Maven profile to be added to the frontend/pom.xml
using the buildhelper-maven-plugin
to attach additional artifacts to the frontend module.
<profile> <id>deploy-themes</id> <build><plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>build-helper-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>3.0.0</version> <executions> <execution> <id>attach-artifacts</id> <phase>package</phase> <goals> <goal>attach-artifact</goal> </goals> <configuration> <artifacts> <artifact> <file>target/themes/</file> <type>zip</type> <classifier>corporate-theme</classifier> </artifact> <artifact> <file>target/themes/</file> <type>zip</type> <classifier>aurora-theme</classifier> </artifact> <artifact> <file>target/themes/</file> <type>zip</type> <classifier>calista-theme</classifier> </artifact> <artifact> <file>target/themes/</file> <type>zip</type> <classifier>hybris-theme</classifier> </artifact> <artifact> <file>target/themes/</file> <type>zip</type> <classifier>sitegenesis-theme</classifier> </artifact> </artifacts> </configuration> </execution> </executions> </plugin> </plugins> </build> </profile>
Example 5.12. Maven profile to attach artifacts to frontend module
Executing the Maven build with the goal deploy
will lead to additional artifacts for each theme, with
the artifactId frontend
and the additional coordinates:
Retrieve the Theme Artifacts
To retrieve the artifacts, you can now either use Maven
together with the
and execute something like this:
mvn com.googlecode.maven-download-plugin:\ download-maven-plugin:\ 1.4.1:\ artifact \ -DgroupId=<your Blueprint groupId> \ -DartifactId=frontend \ -Dversion=<VERSION> \ -Dclassifier=<THEME>-theme -Dtype=zip -DoutputDirectory=<SOME DIR>
Example 5.13. Retrieve artifact with maven-download-plugin
Alternatively, if your Maven repository server provides a REST API, you can use it in combination with
or wget
. In contrast to the Maven solution, you now will have to
pass the credentials, whereas the Maven solution depends on a configured settings.xml
To import themes without checking out a workspace and without building the Importer and the theme, you will also have to deploy the theme importer tool and retrieve it on your automation server.