CoreMedia Content Cloud v11 Upgrade Guide / Version 2110
Table Of ContentsIn order to benefit from the improvements of the latest version of the Spring framework and to prepare for making use of the new features, various 3rd party libraries have been updated.
Spring Boot 2.5.6
Spring Data 2021.0.6
Spring Framework 5.3.12
Spring Security 5.5.3
Assertj 3.19.0
AspectJ 1.9.7
Caffeine 2.9.2
Classmate 1.5.1
Commons dbcp2 to 2.8.0
Gson 2.8.8
Hibernate 5.4.32.Final
Hibernate Validators 6.2.0.Final
Jackson 2.12.5
Janino 3.1.6
Logback 1.2.6
Micrometer 1.7.5
MySQL 8.0.27
Netty 4.1.69.Final
Postgres 42.2.24
Slf4j 1.7.32
Tomcat 9.0.54
XMLUnit 2.8.3
For more details on the changes in the Spring Boot 2.5 and 2.4 releases, see the following locations:
Spring Web MVC now treats null
arguments as missing, see
and adapt your handlers accordingly.
Due to changes in the esapi
library some unused methods of its SecurityConfiguration
had to be removed. You will most likely not recognize this change because the usage of this methods was not supported.