

Release Notes / Version 11.2204
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Third-Party Update: ESAPI

The third-party library org.owasp.esapi:esapi has been updated to version to avoid security vulnerabilities reported for previous versions.


Fix Catalog Repository Toolbar icon

Create product teaser icon on the catalog repository toolbar is displayed correctly


Third-Party Update: Jackson

Jackson has been updated to version 2.13.2 and Jackson Databind has been updated to to avoid security vulnerability CVE-2020-36518.


Third-Party Updates: gRPC-Java 1.44.1 and Netty 4.1.74.Final

In order to benefit from fixes for known bugs and security issues, the gRPC-Java and Netty libraries have been updated to their latest versions:

  • io.grpc:*:1.44.1

  • io.netty:*:4.1.74.Final


Icon Fonts Should now Always be Up-to-date after Upgrading the Studio Client

We added a timestamp to the URL the icon font is loaded from so new versions will always be updated after upgrading the Studio Client.


Third-Party Update: commons-dbcp2

Apache commons-dbcp2 has been updated to version 2.9.0 to avoid a security issue of the previous version.


Third-Party Update: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver

The PostgreSQL JDBC driver has be updated to version 42.3.3 to avoid security issues of the previous version (CVE-2022-21724, GHSA-673j-qm5f-xpv8).


Third-Party Update: ImageIO 3.8.2

In order to benefit from the latest security improvements the third-party library ImageIO was updated to version 3.8.2


Fixed Loading of Image Variants

Fixed an issue where image variants taken from the file mediatransform.xml have been appended to the list of content variants. These entries are not simply concatenated anymore, but variants taken from the XML file will be overwritten by content image variants if they have the same name. By default, the image editor will sort the variants by name. If the default sort order (by name/ascending) should be changed, this can be done by using the utility class ImageVariantsSorter.ts . It can be changed to descending by applying


or by initializing the variable ImageVariantsSorter.VARIANTS_DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER_BY_NAME with a string array, which contains the name of the variants. If variant entries are missing in this list, they will be appended to result, sorted alphabetically.


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