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Personalization Hub Manual / Version 2301

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4.1 Installing Client-Side Personalization

Using CoreMedia Client-side Personalization requires the installation of at least two extensions (see Section 4.1.5, “Project Extensions” in Blueprint Developer Manual for more details about extensions):

You will find the extensions in the following repositories:

You can either copy the extension repositories into your Blueprint workspace in the modules/extensions folder or add them as Git submodules. In the following section you will learn how to add them as submodules.

Adding Extension as Submodule

If you plan to customize the extensions, first create a fork of the repositories and add your forks as submodules. Otherwise, you can simply add the CoreMedia repositories as submodules as shown in the following example.

Add the core and adapter extensions to the Blueprint workspace as Git submodules as follows (this example uses the Monetate adapter):

$ mkdir -p modules/extensions
$ git submodule add modules/extensions/p13n-core
$ git submodule add modules/extensions/p13n-adapter-monetate
$ git submodule init 

Example 4.1.  Adding submodules

After the submodules are added, go to each submodule directory and check-out the branch of your Blueprint version.

cd modules/extensions/p13n-core
$ git checkout -b <tag-name> <your-branch-name>
cd ../p13n-adapter-monetate
$ git checkout -b <tag-name> <your-branch-name> 

Example 4.2.  Checkout branch in submodule

Now, you have to activate the extensions.

Activating the Extensions

Run the extensions tool (see Section 4.1.5, “Project Extensions” in Blueprint Developer Manual for more details about the extensions tool) in workspace-configuration/extensions to activate the extensions like this (here, the core and the monetate extension are activated):

$ mvn extensions:sync
$ mvn extensions:sync -Denable=p13-core,p13n-adapter-monetate

Example 4.3.  Activate extensions

Now you are done with the installation and activation of the extensions. In order to work with the extensions, you have to configure them, as described in the next sections.

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