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Personalization Hub Manual / Version 2304

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4.3.3 Extend GraphQL Queries by P13N Fragments

  1. Create a fragment file P13NExperience.fragment.graphql under packages/graphql-layer/src/queries/fragments

    fragment P13NExperience on P13NExperience {
      baseline {
      variants {
        target {
  2. To enable the fragment preview, modify the file packages/graphql-layer/src/queries/FragmentPreview.query.graphql, to include the p13n experience fragment:

    query FragmentPreview($contentId: String!) {
      content {
        content(id: $contentId) {
          // other fragments here
  3. Modify in the same way other fragments where the p13n experience can appear. For example, modify PageGridPlacement.fragment.graphql so that a p13n experience on a page grid is personalized.

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