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Blueprint Developer Manual / Version 2401

Table Of Contents



access rights, Folder and User Rights Concept
actions, Managing End User Interactions
webflow, Managing End User Interactions
Adaptive Personalization, Adaptive Personalization
CAE, CAE Integration
CAE integration, CAE Integration
conditions, Configured Conditions
content types, Adaptive Personalization Content Types
context, Adaptive Personalization
extension, Adaptive Personalization Extension Modules
extension modules, Adaptive Personalization Extension Modules
integration points, Key Integration Points
search functions, Configured SearchFunctions
test user profiles, Enabling Test User Profiles in the Preview CAE
Studio, Studio Integration
Amazon EC2, Prerequisites
(see also Amazon Linux)
Amazon Linux
supported environments reference, Prerequisites
Apache Tomcat (see Tomcat)
Architecture, Application Architecture
Application Plugins, Application Plugins
approver-role, Features of the Publication Workflows
Asset Management, Advanced Asset Management
AMAsset, Content Types
Asset Widget, Product Asset Widget
blob storage, Blob Storage
catalogPictureHandler, Replaced Product and Category Images
content types, Content Types
download portal, Asset Download Portal
metadata, Extract Image Data During Upload
Asset Widget, Product Asset Widget
assets, Basic Content Management, Folder and User Rights Concept


BeansForPlugins, Plugin Dependencies
Brand Blueprint, CoreMedia Blueprint Sites
eCommerce Blueprint, CoreMedia Blueprint Sites
removal, Removing Optional Components
Brand Blueprint, CoreMedia Blueprint Sites


CAE, Developing with the CAE
Maven configuration, Developing with the CAE
Personalization, CAE Integration
CAE Feeder, Customizing the CAE Feeder
classify, Tagging and Taxonomies
CleanInTranslation, CleanInTranslationFinalAction
client code, Folder and User Rights Concept, Client Code Delivery
merging, Client Code Delivery
performance, Client Code Delivery
preview, Client Code Delivery
CMChannel, Navigation and Contexts
CMCollection, Content Lists
CMJavaScript, Client Code Delivery
CMLocalized, Content Type Model
CMSCSS, Client Code Delivery
CMTaxonomy, Tagging and Taxonomies
properties, Taxonomy Management
CMTeasable, Teaser Management, Content Type Model
CMViewtype, View Types
common content
types, Common Content Types
Artifact, Application Architecture
composer-role, Features of the Publication Workflows
content, Common Content Types
media, Common Content Types
content assets
properties, Common Content Types
content lists, Content Lists
content type
CMLocalized, Content Type Model
CMTeasable, Content Type Model
content type model, Content Type Model
extensions:automerge, Content Type Model
extensions:translatable, Content Type Model
extensions:weakLink, Content Type Model
Content Types
extending, Extending Content Types
content types, Folder and User Rights Concept
assets, Folder and User Rights Concept
client code, Folder and User Rights Concept
navigation and page structure, Folder and User Rights Concept
technical content types, Folder and User Rights Concept
content visibility, Content Visibility
ContentToTranslateItemTransformer, XLIFF Export
context, Navigation and Contexts, Adaptive Personalization
determine, Navigation and Contexts
CoreMedia Blueprint
folder structure, Folder and User Rights Concept
CoreMedia modules, Editorial and Backend Functionality
coremedia-application, Packaging Types
locale, Terms
create content
add menu item, Content Creation
create from template
dialog, Create from Template
new template folder, Create from Template
template locations, Create from Template


data privacy
personal data, Handling Personal Data
Data Privacy
personal data, Third-Party Integration
third party, Third-Party Integration
Configuration, Configuring Local Setup
Users, Configuring Local Setup
MongoDB, Configuring Local Setup
users, Database Users
derived site, Terms
document type model (see content type model)
Documentation, Prerequisites
dynamic templating, Dynamic Templating
add template to page, Dynamic Templating
upload templates, Dynamic Templating


FreeMarker, Dynamic Templating


Hardware Prerequisites, Developer Setup, Test System Setup
home page, Terms, Site Model and Sites Service
Hybris Commerce (see SAP Hybris Commerce)


IBM WebSphere Commerce, Additional Software for eCommerce Blueprint only
IBM WebSphere Commerce 7 Feature Pack 7
supported environments reference, Additional Software for eCommerce Blueprint only
IBM WebSphere Commerce 7 Feature Pack 8
supported environments reference, Additional Software for eCommerce Blueprint only
IBM WebSphere Commerce 8 Mod Pack 1
supported environments reference, Additional Software for eCommerce Blueprint only
IBM WebSphere Commerce 8 Mod Pack 4
supported environments reference, Additional Software for eCommerce Blueprint only
IETF BCP 47, Terms
Images, Images
configure sizes, Images
default JPEG quality, Images
High Resolution/Retina, Images
linkMimeTypeMapping, Images
MIME Type Mapping, Images
import-themes, Theme Importer


locale, Terms
localization, Page Assembly
Image Gallery, Library
weak, Sites Structure, Content Type Model, Approval and Publication of Folders and Content Items
link format, Link Format
local site manager, Terms
locale, Terms, Locales Administration
IETF BCP 47, Terms
LocaleSettings, Locales Administration
localization, Terms
localized site, Terms


mail templates, Emails
MailTemplateService, Emails
master site, Terms
changing groupId, Configuring the Workspace
coremedia-application, Structure of the Workspace
Extension, Removing Optional Components
settings.xml, Prerequisites
media content, Common Content Types
MongoDB, Configuring Local Setup
supported environments reference, Prerequisites
multi-site, Localized Content Management
administration, Administration
CMLocalized, Content Type Model
CMTeasable, Content Type Model
content types, Content Type Model
derived site, Terms, Sites Structure
global site manager, Groups and Rights Administration
groups, Groups and Rights Administration
local site manager, Terms
master site, Terms, Sites Structure
permissions, Groups and Rights Administration
site, Terms
SiteModel, Site Model and Sites Service, Roles and Rights
SitesService, Site Model and Sites Service
structure, Sites Structure
translation manager role, Terms, Groups and Rights Administration, Roles and Rights, Workflow Lifecycle
variants, Terms
supported environments reference, Prerequisites


navigation, Navigation and Contexts
navigation and page structure, Folder and User Rights Concept


page grid, Page Assembly
configure new layout, Page Assembly
editor, Page Assembly
incompatible changes, Page Assembly
inheriting placements, Page Assembly
layout locations, Page Assembly
lock placements, Page Assembly
predefined layout, Page Assembly
personal data, Handling Personal Data, Third-Party Integration
placement, Page Assembly
placement editor, Page Assembly
localization, Page Assembly
predefined user, Predefined Users
predefined workflows, Predefined Publication Workflows
publisher-role, Features of the Publication Workflows


quick start, Quick Start


rights concept, Folder and User Rights Concept
robots.txt, Robots File
example configuration, Robots File
RobotsHandler, Robots File


Salesforce Marketing Cloud
uploading content, Uploading Content to Salesforce Marketing Cloud
Salesforce Marketing Cloud integration, Salesforce Marketing Cloud Integration
SAP Hybris Commerce, Additional Software for eCommerce Blueprint only
search, Website Search
search functions, Configured SearchFunctions
search landing pages, Search Landing Pages
keywords, Search Landing Pages
ServerExport, ServerImport and ServerExport
ServerImport, ServerImport and ServerExport
linked, Settings
local, Settings
settings.xml, Prerequisites
RSA Key, Sign Cookie
site, Terms
derived site, Terms, Sites Structure
global site manager, Groups and Rights Administration
home page, Terms, Sites Structure, Site Model and Sites Service
interdependence, Sites Structure
local site manager, Terms
locale, Terms, Locales Administration
LocaleSettings, Locales Administration
localized site, Terms
master site, Terms, Sites Structure
multi-site, Localized Content Management
site folder, Terms, Sites Structure, Site Model and Sites Service
site id, Terms, Site Model and Sites Service
site identifier, Terms, Site Model and Sites Service
site indicator, Terms, Sites Structure, Groups and Rights Administration, Site Model and Sites Service
site manager group, Terms, Groups and Rights Administration, Site Model and Sites Service, Roles and Rights, Workflow Lifecycle
site name, Terms, Site Model and Sites Service
SiteModel, Groups and Rights Administration, Site Model and Sites Service, Roles and Rights
SitesService, Site Model and Sites Service
translation manager role, Terms, Groups and Rights Administration, Site Model and Sites Service, Roles and Rights, Workflow Lifecycle
translation workflow robot user, Groups and Rights Administration
variants, Terms
site manager group, Terms, Groups and Rights Administration, Site Model and Sites Service, Roles and Rights, Workflow Lifecycle
sitemap, Content Type Sitemap, Sitemap
maximum number of URLs, Sitemap
SiteModel, Site Model and Sites Service, Roles and Rights
SitesService, Site Model and Sites Service
Software Prerequisites, Developer Setup
Solr, Website Search
SpringAwareLongAction, XLIFF Export
Studio, Developing with Studio
bookmarks, Bookmarks
create content, Content Creation
create from template, Create from Template
external preview, External Preview
library, Library
Open Street Map, Open Street Map
Personalization, Studio Integration
plugin, Developing with Studio
plugins, Studio Enhancements
query form, Content Query Form
settings, Settings for Studio
site selection, Site Selection
upload content to Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Uploading Content to Salesforce Marketing Cloud
upload files, Upload Files
Studio client
Plugins, Plugins for Studio Client
Studio enhancements, Studio Enhancements
suggestion strategy, Taxonomy Assignment
supported environments, Prerequisites
Amazon Linux, Prerequisites
databases, Prerequisites
directory services, Prerequisites
HCL Commerce 7, Additional Software for eCommerce Blueprint only
HCL Commerce 8, Additional Software for eCommerce Blueprint only
HCL Commerce 9, Additional Software for eCommerce Blueprint only
Java, Prerequisites
MongoDB, Prerequisites
MySQL, Prerequisites
operating systems, Prerequisites
servlet container, Prerequisites
Tomcat, Prerequisites
web browsers, Prerequisites


tag management
tag manager, Tag Management
taxonomies, Tagging and Taxonomies
as conditions for dynamic lists, Tagging and Taxonomies
hierarchical organisation, Taxonomy Management
implement new suggestion strategy, Taxonomy Assignment
location, Taxonomy Management
related content, Tagging and Taxonomies
site specific, Taxonomy Assignment
taxonomy editor, Taxonomy Management
taxonomy resolver strategy, Taxonomy Assignment
teaser management, Teaser Management
technical content types, Folder and User Rights Concept
Test System Setup
preconfigured quick start, Test System Setup
third party, Third-Party Integration
(see also Data Privacy)
supported environments reference, Prerequisites
topic pages, Topic Pages
configuration, Topic Pages
managed, Topic Pages
taxonomy, Topic Pages
translation, Terms
configuration, Translation Workflow Configuration
customization, Translation Workflow Studio UI
Studio, Translation Workflow Studio UI
UI, Translation Workflow Studio UI
workflow, Translation Workflow, Predefined Translation Workflow Actions
workflow action, Predefined Translation Workflow Actions
XLIFF, XLIFF Integration, XLIFF Structure, Translation Workflow Configuration
Configuration, Translation Workflow Configuration
Translation Item, XLIFF Export
translation manager, Terms, Groups and Rights Administration, Site Model and Sites Service, Roles and Rights, Workflow Lifecycle
translation manager role, Terms, Groups and Rights Administration, Site Model and Sites Service, Roles and Rights, Workflow Lifecycle
translation workflow robot user, Groups and Rights Administration


upload files
configuration, Upload Files
User Changes application, Content Management Environment
predefined, Predefined Users


validFrom, Content Visibility
Vanity URLs, Vanity URLs
variants, Terms
view repositories, View Repositories
view type selector, View Types
view types, View Types
localization, Page Assembly, View Types
viewType, Common Content Types
visibility, Content Visibility


weak link, Sites Structure, Content Type Model, Approval and Publication of Folders and Content Items
Webflow actions, Managing End User Interactions
navigation, Navigation and Contexts
page assembly, Page Assembly
settings, Settings
structure, Page Assembly
website search, Website Search
WebSphere Commerce (see IBM WebSphere Commerce)
action, Predefined Translation Workflow Actions
publication, Predefined Publication Workflows
translation, Translation Workflow, Predefined Translation Workflow Actions
workflow action, Predefined Translation Workflow Actions
AutoMergeSyncAction, AutoMergeSyncAction
AutoMergeTranslationAction, AutoMergeTranslationAction, AutoMergeSyncAction
CleanInTranslationFinalAction, CleanInTranslationFinalAction
CompleteTranslationAction, CompleteTranslationAction
CreateTranslationTreeData, CreateTranslationTreeData
CreateTranslationTreeDataAction, CreateTranslationTreeData
ExtractPerformerAction, ExtractPerformerAction
FilterDerivedContentsAction, FilterDerivedContentsAction
GetDerivedContentsAction, GetDerivedContentsAction, FilterDerivedContentsAction
GetSiteManagerGroupAction, GetSiteManagerGroupAction
RollbackTranslationAction, RollbackTranslationAction
Configuration, Configuring the Workspace
Structure, Structure of the Workspace


XLIFF, XLIFF Integration, XLIFF Structure, Translation Workflow Configuration
Configuration, Translation Workflow Configuration
properties, Translation Workflow Configuration
translatableExpressions, Translation Workflow Configuration
Translation Item, XLIFF Export
translation unit, XLIFF Integration
XliffExporter, XLIFF Export
XliffExportOptions, XLIFF Export
XliffImporter, XLIFF Import
XliffExporter, XLIFF Export
XliffExportOptions, XLIFF Export
XliffImporter, XLIFF Import
XML Localization Interchange File Format, XLIFF Integration, XLIFF Structure

Search Results

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