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Release Notes / Version 12.2406.0

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CoreMedia Workspace

Removed usages of Apache HTTP Components 4.x

All usages of Apache HTTP Components 4.x (org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient and org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore) have been removed from core and blueprint sources.

Follow Section, “Removed usages of Apache HTTP Components 4.x” for upgrade information.


Replacement/Removal of Deprecated Code

Content-Server: Removal of deprecated query command line tool options:

  • The deprecated paths and versions (short option: e) option of the query command line tool were removed. Use the path and versionquery parameter instead.

The location of loggers for certain classes changed. The following classes are now using a logger in their own class instead of the logger of the hox.corem.server.Server class:

  • hox.corem.server.ResourceImpl

  • hox.corem.server.DocumentTypeImpl

  • hox.corem.server.FolderImpl

  • hox.corem.server.RepositoryImpl

  • hox.corem.server.ListenerManager

  • hox.corem.server.CapUserManager

  • hox.corem.server.ResourceCache

  • hox.corem.server.SessionManager

  • hox.corem.server.SortingServiceFactory


  • com.coremedia.publisher.importer.XmlPropertyTransformer#getFilter now also throws NoSuchMethodException and InvocationTargetException


  • com.coremedia.cap.util.ContentCacheKey now extends com.coremedia.cache.util.ObjectCacheKey instead of com.coremedia.cap.util.ObjectCacheKey


Third-Party Update: Caffeine

Updated Caffeine from 2.9 to 3.1.


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