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Release Notes / Version 12.2406.0

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CoreMedia Documentation

Enhanced Documentation of Spring Boot ConfigurationProperties

We enhanced the documentation of Spring Boot ConfigurationProperties along with fixing some issues:

  • Type information of a given property is now shorted for types from java.base module (such as Map rather than java.util.Map).

  • Deprecated properties are now sorted along with the non-deprecated ones. This especially fixes an issue, that some deprecated properties never made it into the manuals yet.

  • All properties within a table are now correctly sorted. Before, you may have seen “parts of the properties” to be not correctly sorted.

  • Deprecation information is now enriched by the information as provided by spring-configuration-metadata.json, which is, if available, mentioning the replacement (as before), the version since when the property is deprecated and the reason for the deprecation, which may also contain more details on required upgrade steps.


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