

Content Server Manual / Version 2412.0
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Before you delete properties, make sure that the data is no longer needed.

In order to delete properties from content types proceed as follows:

  1. Stop the Content Servers.

  2. Remove the attributes from the content types definition file.

  3. Delete the property data from the database as described in the following table.

Property type How to change




Remove the column representing the property from the database tables for the declaring content type and all its subtypes.

For example:

Remove the attribute Source of type StringProperty from the content type Article using the following SQL statement:

ALTER TABLE Article DROP column "Source"

If the property is observed, remove the observed property information from the observedvalues table. Attribute names are only unique for one content type. Therefore, you have to check if the property you want to delete belongs to the proper content type.

For example: Delete the StringProperty named ExternalId from the content type ExternalProduct.

DELETE FROM ObservedValues WHERE propertyname = 'ExternalId' AND sourceDocument = (SELECT DISTINCT id_ FROM ExternalProduct WHERE id_ = sourceDocument);



Remove the property information from the blobs table. Don't delete anything from blobdata, this will be done by the Content Server! Attribute names are only unique for one content type. Therefore, you have to check if the property you want to delete belongs to the proper content type.

For example: Delete the BlobProperty named Logo from the content type Article.

DELETE FROM Blobs WHERE propertyname = 'Logo' AND documentid = (SELECT DISTINCT id_ FROM Article WHERE id_ = documentid);



Remove the property information from the texts table and the links contained in the XmlProperty from the linklists table. Don't delete anything from sgmldata or sgmltext, this will be done by the Content Server! Attribute names are only unique for one content type. Therefore, you have to check if the property you want to delete belongs to the proper content type.

For example: Delete the XmlProperty named Text from the content type Article.

DELETE FROM Texts WHERE propertyname = 'Text' AND documentid = (SELECT DISTINCT id_ FROM Article WHERE id_ = documentid);


DELETE FROM LinkLists WHERE propertyname = 'Text' AND sourceDocument = (SELECT DISTINCT id_ FROM Article WHERE id_ = sourceDocument);



Remove the property information from the linklists table. Attribute names are only unique for one content type. Therefore, you have to check if the property you want to delete belongs to the proper content type.

For example: Delete the LinkListProperty named RelatedDocuments from the content type Article.

DELETE FROM LinkLists WHERE propertyname = 'RelatedDocuments' AND sourceDocument = (SELECT DISTINCT id_ FROM Article WHERE id_ = sourceDocument);


Table 4.9. How to delete properties of different type

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