

Content Server Manual / Version 2412.0
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The queryapprove tool is a combination of the query and the approve tool. You can start a synchronous, structured query against the content repository and approve the resulting resources.

usage: cm queryapprove -u <user> [other options]
          [-i] [-e] [-l <limit>] -q <query>

available options:

 -d,--domain <domain name>   domain for login (default=<builtin>)
 -e,--versions               query all versions
 -i,--includepath            include unapproved parent folders in approval
 -l,--limit <limit>          maximum number of results to approve
 -p,--password <password>    password for login
 -q,--query <query>          query string
 -qf,--queryfile <queryfile> query file location
 -u,--user <user name>       user for login (required)
 -url <ior url>              url to connect to
 -v,--verbose                enables verbose output

Parameter Description
-e If set, the query searches for all versions of the content items.
-i Include unapproved parent folders automatically into approval
-l <limit> Limit the number of results to the given value.
-q <query> The query string.
-qf <queryfile> A file that contains the query string.

Table 3.50. Parameters of the queryapprove utility

The following example shows how to approve all content items below the /MenuSite/Fish folder:

cm queryapprove -u admin -p admin -i -q "BELOW PATH '/MenuSite/Fish'"

If folders /MenuSite and /MenuSite/Fish are not yet approved they will be automatically approved using the -i switch.

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