

Connector for HCL Commerce Manual / Version 2412.0
Table Of Contents

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February 19, 2025

1. Preface
1.1. Audience
1.2. Typographic Conventions
1.3. Change Record
2. Overview
2.1. Commerce Hub Architecture
2.2. Commerce Hub API
3. Customizing HCL Commerce 9.0
3.1. Building Custom Docker Image
3.2. Preparing the RAD Workspace
3.3. Copy Libraries
3.4. Configuring the Search
3.4.1. Search Customization in HCL Commerce 9
3.4.2. Adding Search Profiles
3.4.3. Enabling Dynamic Pricing
3.4.4. Customizing the HCL Commerce Solr Index
3.4.5. Adding New PARENT_PARTNUMBER Field to the Solr Index
3.4.6. Adding New CM_SEO_TOKEN Field to the Solr Index
3.5. Extending REST Resources to BOD Mapping
3.6. Configuring REST Handlers
3.7. Applying Changes to the Management Center
3.8. Deploying the CoreMedia Fragment Connector
3.9. Customizing HCL Commerce JSPs
3.10. Deploying the CoreMedia Widgets
3.11. Setting up SEO URLs for CoreMedia Pages
3.12. Deploying the CoreMedia Catalog Data
4. Supporting HCL Commerce 9.1
5. Connecting with an HCL Commerce Shop via Commerce Adapter
5.1. Configuring the Commerce Adapter
5.2. Shop Configuration in Content Settings
5.3. Check if everything is working
5.4. Configuring Custom Entity Parameters
6. Commerce-led Integration Scenario
6.1. Commerce-led Scenario Overview
6.2. Adding CMS Fragments to Shop Pages
6.2.1. CoreMedia Widgets
6.2.2. The CoreMedia Include Tag
6.3. Extending the Shop Context
6.4. Solutions for the Same-Origin Policy Problem
6.5. Caching In Commerce-Led Scenario
6.6. Prefetch Fragments to Minimize CMS Requests
6.7. Link Building for Fragments
6.7.1. Configuring Deep Links
6.7.2. How fragment links are build
7. Content-led Integration
7.1. Content-led Integration Overview
7.2. Status Synchronization in the Content-led Integration Scenario
7.2.1. What Is The Users State?
8. Studio Integration of Commerce Content
8.1. Catalog View in CoreMedia Studio Library
8.2. HCL Management Center Integration in CoreMedia Studio
8.3. Enabling Preview in Shop Context
8.4. Commerce related Preview Support Features
8.5. Augmenting Commerce Content
8.5.1. Augmenting the Root Nodes
8.5.2. Selecting a Layout for an Augmented Page
8.5.3. Finding CMS Content for Category Overview Pages
8.5.4. Finding CMS Content for Product Detail Pages
8.5.5. Adding CMS Content to Non-Catalog Pages (Other Pages)
9. Commerce Caching
10. The eCommerce API
11. HCL Commerce REST Services used by CoreMedia
12. Commerce Adapter Properties

List of Figures

2.1. Architectural overview of the Commerce Hub
2.2. More detailed architecture view
5.1. Catalog code in commerce system
5.2. Catalog settings
6.1. Commerce-led Architecture Overview
6.2. Commerce-led Request Flow
6.3. Various Shop Pages with CMS Fragments
6.4. Connection via placement name
6.5. CoreMedia Widgets in Commerce Composer
6.6. Cross Domain Scripting with Fragments
6.7. Cross Site Scripting with fragments
6.8. Example request flow
6.9. Multiple Fragment Requests without Prefetching
6.10. LiveContext Settings: Prefetch Views per Placement
6.11. LiveContext Settings: Prefetching Additional Views
7.1. Content-led integration scenario
7.2. Content-led integration scenario with cookies
7.3. Content-led integration scenario
8.1. Library with catalog in the tree view
8.2. Library tree with multiple occurrences of the same category
8.3. Open Product in tab
8.4. Product in tab preview
8.5. Product in tab with JSON preview (HCL Commerce 9.1)
8.6. Open Category in tab
8.7. Category in tab preview
8.8. Category in tab preview (HCL Commerce 9.1)
8.9. Management Center in Studio
8.10. Time based preview affects also the HCL Commerce preview
8.11. Test Customer Persona with Commerce Customer Segments
8.12. Edit Commerce Segments in Test Customer Persona
8.13. Catalog structure in the catalog root content item
8.14. Choosing a page layout for a shop page
8.15. Category Overview Page with CMS Content
8.16. Decision diagram
8.17. Product detail page with CMS content in the Banner section and empty Header placement
8.18. Page grid for PDPs in augmented category
8.19. Product detail page with CMS assets
8.20. Example: Contact Us Pagegrid
8.21. Example: Navigation Settings for a simple SEO Page
8.22. Example: Navigation Settings for a custom non SEO Form
8.23. Special Case: Navigation Settings for the Homepage
9.1. Multiple levels of caching
9.2. Commerce Cache Invalidation
9.3. Actuator URLs in overview page
9.4. Actuator results for cache.timeout-seconds.ecommerce properties
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