Release Notes / Version 10.2104
Table Of ContentsAlong with the Spring Framework and Spring Boot the following libraries have been updated:
Spring Boot 2.2.1.RELEASE
Spring Framework 5.2.1.RELEASE
Spring Security 5.2.1.RELEASE
MySQL driver 8.0.18
Postgres driver 42.2.8
okhttp 3.14.4
commons-fileupload 1.4
gson 2.8.6
byte-buddy 1.10.2
http-core 4.4.12
Httpclient 4.5.10
slf4j 1.7.29
assertj 3.13.2
cglib 3.3.0
ASM 7.2
Jetty 9.4.22.v20191022
Janino 3.1.0
commons-dbcp2 2.7.0
Junit 5.5.2
Jackson 2.10.0
Tomcat 9.0.26
Jakarta Servlet 4.0.3
Jakarta Mail 1.6.4
jstl-api 1.2.7
caffeine 2.8.0
Jakarta transaction 1.3.3
Micrometer 1.3.1
Mockito 3.1.0
Hibernate Validator 5.4.3.Final
Please check the respective release notes of the libraries for breaking changes and upgrade information. For example:
If you are using the Spring Boot Maven Plugin, then make sure to pass the required system properties to the applications as described in the release notes .