

Content Server Manual / Version 2304
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In this section, you will find tables with all properties and actions manageable via JMX. The entries below the JMImplementation key display information on the JMX implementation which will not be described here.



The information contained in the Statistics section are not described, because this information can only be interpreted by trained CoreMedia consultants who are familiar with the inner workings of the CoreMedia components.

Content Server Attributes
Attribute Type Description
AppDesc Read-only Description of the CoreMedia system, contains version information and the component name.
FutureRunLevel Read-only The future run level which will be reached after the SwitchRunLevel actions has succeeded.
HostInfo Read-only The computer which hosts the Content Server.
HttpHost Read-only The host name of the internal HTTP server of the Content Server.
HttpPort Read-only The port of the internal HTTP Server of the Content Server.
JavaClasspath Read-only Java class path.
JavaInstDir Read-only Java installation directory.
JvmInfo Read-only Java JVM information.
JvmProcessInfo Read-only Java process information, the number of threads, free memory, used memory, total memory.
OsInfo Read-only Information about the operating system of the host.
ResourceCacheCapacity Read/Write The maximum size of the resource cache (in resources). Changes value of the property cap.server.cache.resource-cache-size.
ResourceCacheEntries Read-only Number of resources entered into the resource cache in the last ResourceCacheInterval.
ResourceCacheEvicts Read-only Number of cache evicts in ResourceCacheInterval.
ResourceCacheHits Read-only Number of cache hits in ResourceCacheInterval.
ResourceCacheInterval Read/Write Interval in seconds after which the computation of the cache statistics starts again.
ResourceCacheSize Read-only The current cache size (in resources)
RunLevel Read-only The current run level of the Content Server: offline, maintenance, administration, or online.
RunLevelNumeric Read-only The current run level of the Content Server: 0=offline, 1=maintenance, 2=administration, or 3=online.
StrictWorkflow Read/Write Use strict workflow (editor of content ite, is another person as the approver of the item)
SwitchCountdown Read-only The remaining time of the SwitchRunLevel grace period. "-1" indicates no active grace period.
Uptime Read-only Uptime of the server in [ms]
RepositorySequenceNumber Read-only The sequence number of the latest successful repository transaction, useful for comparing a Master Live Server's highest RepositorySequenceNumber with a Replication Live Server's LatestIncomingSequenceNumber

Table 5.1. JMX manageable attributes of the Content Server

Content Server Operations
Operation Parameter Description

p1 - Runlevel to switch to

p2 - Delay before switching in seconds

Change the run level of the Content Server. Possible run levels are:

  • offline

  • maintenance

  • administration

  • online

abortRunLevelSwitch   Stop switching to another runlevel.

Table 5.2. JMX manageable operations of the Content Server

Publisher Attributes
Attribute Type Description
AvPublPrevTime Read-only Average publication preview time [msec] per publication preview.
AvPublSize Read-only Average publication size
AvPublTime Read-only Average publication time [msec] per publication.
AvWaitTime Read-only Average waiting time [msec] in the queue.
DestroyIntVersions Read/Write Deprecated flag for destroying intermediate content versions. Use DestroyIntermediateVersions instead. "true" maps to mode "STRICT" and "false" maps to the mode "OFF".
DestroyIntermediateVersions Read/Write Destroy intermediate content versions. Values are "OFF", "STRICT" and "DUMB"
DestroyOlderVersionsOnLiveServers Read/Write Keep only the newest version on the Live Server. Values are "true" and "false".
EnableBypassPreviews Read/Write Whether publication previews bypass ("true") or not ("false") the publication queue for faster response times.
FailedPublCount Read-only Number of failed publications.
FailedPublPrevCount Read-only Number of failed publication previews.
LastPublDate Read-only Date of the last publication in Unix format (milliseconds since 01.01.1970).
LastPublDate Read-only Date of the last publication in human readable format.
LastPublResult Read-only Result of the last publication (success or failed).
LastPublSize Read-only Size of the last publication (in resources).
LastPublTime Read-only Required time for last publication in [msec].
LastPublType Read-only Type of last publication (preview or publication)
LastPublUser Read-only User who started the last publication.
LastPublWaitTime Read-only Waiting time for last publication.
LocalDomain Read-only Domain for Content Management Server access.
LocalPassword Read-only User password for Content Management Server access.
LocalUser Read/Write User name for Content Management Server access.
PublCount Read-only Number of successful publications.
PublInterval Read/Write Interval (in seconds) after which the computation of the statistics starts again.
PublPrevCount Read-only Number of successful publication previews
PublicationTargetNames Read-only Names of the publication targets if Multi-Master publishing is used.
QueueSize Read-only Queue size of the Publisher (in content items).

Table 5.3. JMX manageable attributes of the Publisher

Multi-Master Publication Targets
Attribute Type Description
DisplayName Read/Write The display name of the publication target.
Folders Read/Write The base folders which are assigned to the target. Names and IDs can be used. Numbers are always taken as IDs.
IorUrl Read/Write The URL of the Master Live Server where the Publisher gets the IOR for connecting.
Name Read-only The unique and permanent name of the publication target. Once set, it should never be changed.
Password Read/Write The password used by the Publisher to connect to the Master Live Server.

Table 5.4. JMX manageable attributes for Publication Targets

Publisher Operations
Operation Parameter Description

p1 - Client

p2 - priority

Set the priority for the defined client. This operation sets the properties publisher.priority.<client>. The priority is an integer value from 0 to 100 and the client is an integer value from the following list:

  • 0 - The editor GUI

  • 1 - The Unified API

  • 2 - The Active Delivery Server

  • 3 - Jpython-Scripts

  • 4 - The Importer

  • 5 - Utilities with Unified API

  • 6 - Unknown clients

getPriority p1 - Client Get the priority for the defined client.

Table 5.5. JMX manageable operations of the Publisher

Replicator Attributes
Attribute Type Description
CompletedCount Read-only Total number of events that have been completed since server startup.
CompletedStartTime Read-only Date of the first completion of an event since server startup.
FirstCompletionDuration Read-only Difference in milliseconds between the first arrival and the first completion of an event since server startup.
IncomingCount Read-only Total number of events that have arrived since server startup.
LatestCompletedArrival Read-only Date of the latest completion of an event.
LatestCompletedSequenceNumber Read-only Sequence number of the latest completed event.
LatestCompletedStampedNumber Read-only Sequence number of the latest completion of a StampedEvent (indicates the end of a publication).
LatestCompletionDuration Read-only Difference in milliseconds between the latest arrival and the latest completion of an event since server startup.
LatestIncomingArrival Read-only Date of the latest arrival of an incoming event.
LatestIncomingSequenceNumber Read-only Sequence number of the latest incoming event.
LatestIncomingStampedNumber Read-only Sequence number of the latest incoming StampedEvent (indicates the end of a publication).
IncomingStartTime Read-only Date of the first arrival of an incoming event since server startup.
UncompletedCount Read-only The number of events to be processed (the difference between the number of incoming events and completed events).

Table 5.6. JMX manageable attributes of the Replicator

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