

Content Server Manual / Version 2304
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For the Oracle database you need the Oracle JDBC Thin Driver oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver. It is available at Pick the latest version, and add the dependency to the database-drivers pom.xml, like this:

<!-- -->

You should delete all other dependencies in database-drivers. They do not harm, but you do not need them, and libraries always bear the risk of introducing security vulnerabilities.

There also exists the Oracle OCI driver which could be used. However, this driver can cause some problems:

  • If the database crashes, the OCI driver hangs/blocks and the Content Server must be restarted.

  • Connections can hang during rollback.

  • Problems with the streaming of blobs can occur.

  • Oracle recommends the thin driver for performance reasons.

Furthermore, the driver needs an additional Oracle client installation on the Content Server host. Therefore, the OCI driver is not recommended.

In order to optimize queries, Oracle gathers statistics about the database content. By default, this process runs once per day, which is an appropriate setting.

The following settings must be made for an Oracle database:<DB-HOST>:<DB-PORT>:<DB-INSTANCE><DB-USER><DB-USER-PASSWORD>

The name of the database user may be given in lowercase, but it must be stored as all uppercase in the database.

The Oracle database instance must be configured with a sufficient number of DB Cursors. The number is set in the Oracle initialization script init<Instancename>.ora in the entry open_cursors (for further details see the documentation of the database manufacturer).

The number of cursors for a JDBC connection in the CoreMedia Server is calculated with the following formula:

<Number of Cursors> = 110 + (<Number of content types> * 7)

For a server with 15 content types therefore, 215 cursors are needed per connection and an open_cursors value of 215 has to be configured, unless other applications require a higher value.

Alternatively the property can be used to control the number of open cursors from the Content Server. This property limits the number of cached prepared SQL statements. If the property is not set, the cache has an unlimited size and the above formula applies. Otherwise, the value of the property should be at least 50. Increasing this parameter generally improves the database performance. Set the number of Oracle cursor to the size of the statement cache plus 10 for other statements that are not prepared, but that still use a cursor when executed.

create user <DB-USER> identified by <DB-USER-PASSWORD>;
grant connect, create view, resource to <DB-USER>;

Example 3.1. Oracle: create DB User

For Oracle 12c you need to add privileges to the user as described in

alter user <DB-USER> quota unlimited on users;

Example 3.2.  Add privileges for Oracle 12c user

drop user <DB-USER> cascade;

Example 3.3. Oracle: delete DB User

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