

Content Server Manual / Version 2304
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You can use the repositorystatistics tool to get a simple overview over the content in your CoreMedia repository. The tool uses the information in to connect directly with the database of your Content Server. It writes the result to the console. Start the tool with cm repositorystatistics. No arguments are required.

You will get information about the following topics:

  • Number of users

  • Number of groups

  • Number of user/group associations

  • Number of rules

  • Number of folders and children with some statistics

  • Number of content items and versions sorted by content type with some statistics

The following example shows the result for a test repository:

gathering statistics data
# users: 93
# groups: 19
# user/group associations: 592
# rules: 20

# folders: 19052
# folders in trash: 1256
  children:         124084
  average children: 7.121442
  min children:     1
  max children:     1644
  <    100:         17348
  <    250:         51
  <    500:         21
  <   1000:         2
  <   2500:         2
  <   5000:         0
  <  10000:         0
  >= 10000:         0

# documents: 131120
# documents in trash: 24831

# doctypes:  31

  documents: 169
  versions:  1447
  average:   8.56213
  min:       1
  max:       87
  <    10:   117
  <    25:   41
  <    50:   10
  <   100:   1
  <   250:   0
  <   500:   0
  <  1000:   0
  >= 1000:   0

Example 3.14. Result of repositorystatistics

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