

Content Server Manual / Version 2304
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3.9.4 Restoring from Replication Live Server Backup

If you must restore the Master Live Server database with a backup, you also have to restore all Replication Live Servers databases. Proceed as follows:

  1. Stop the Master Live Server.

  • The replication on all Replication Live Servers stops automatically, but the servers remain online.

  1. Restore the Master Live Server database with a backup.

  2. Restart the Master Live Server.

  • The Replication Live Servers now log on again to the Master Live Server, discover that the state of the Master Live Server database is older than their own state and stop replication, but remain online. To synchronize the databases you can apply the following strategy:

  1. Stop the first half set of the Replication Live Servers one by one and restore the databases with a Replication Live Server backup which is older than the Master Live Server backup.

  2. Start the Replication Live Servers.

  3. Continue at step 4 for the second half set of the Replication Live Servers.

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