Release Notes / Version 12.2412.0
Table Of ContentsHeadless Server Bugfix: Empty HTML in Html Fragments leads to Exception
When the HTML in a HTML fragment is left empty, a serverside exception
was thrown by the HtmlAdapter
. The adapter now
returns null instead.
Regression-Fix: Update of GraphQL-Java library to 21.5
The version of GraphQL-Java was unintentionally downgraded to
, leading to the
situation that HeadlessServer versions 2404.1 and 2404.2 have older
library versions of GraphQL-Java than version 2401. The library was
now updated to the most recent, non-breaking version suitable for
HeadlessServer 2404.
Customers may update that library by themselves if necessary for
security reasons to
Headless server can be run without commerce extension
There was a dependency for the headless server that could be satisfied without the commerce extension. However, this was not intentional and now the required component is also found without having the commerce extension enabled.
Bugfix: Headless supports servlet context path for Persisted Queries over REST
With the introduction of Spring-GraphQL, a non-trivial servlet context path was not working for persisted queries over REST. This problem was fixed.