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Personalization Hub Manual / Version 2412.0

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3.2.1 Defining Property Editors

This chapter describes how you configure CoreMedia Adaptive Personalization features in the underlying platforms.

CoreMedia Adaptive Personalization includes two property editors for editing personalization specific content properties in CoreMedia Studio:

  • SelectionRulesField is an editor to be used to define content selection rules

  • ConditionsField is an editor to be used to define customer segment conditions

SelectionRulesField and ConditionsField can be used for a content property of type XML using schema coremedia-selectionrules-1.0. This schema is defined in cap-personalization-schema-bundle.jar and can be imported into a content type declaration file by adding the following code near the top of the file:

<XmlSchema Name="coremedia-selectionrules-1.0"

You configure a property editor for a specific content property as explained in the CoreMedia Studio Manual.

The CoreMedia Blueprint development workspace provides a Studio form using these condition fields to edit personalized content items.

Setting up the Property Editors

CoreMedia Adaptive Personalization offers different types of conditions that are listed in Section 5.1, “Condition Types”. Therefore, you can adapt the property editors for selection rules and segment conditions to the types of properties your application is using. For example, if your context contains a property dateOfBirth that holds the current visitor's date of birth, the property editors should use a DateCondition instead of a StringCondition for conditions using the property.

You configure the editors in the ext-xml files defining the property editors for your content types.


SelectionRulesField supports the attributes propertyName and allowedContentType.

  • propertyName is required and denotes the name of the content property to be associated with the field. This attribute is common to all property editors in CoreMedia Studio.

  • allowedContentType is optional and denotes the name of the type of content that can be selected via rules defined using this property editor.

For example, if allowedContentType="CMTeasable" is used, only content items of type CMTeasable or of any subtype can be added to the rules created via this editor. Thus, you won't be able to create a rule that selects a CMChannel.

The child element conditionItems defines the condition types the SelectionRulesField will support. The following table lists the allowed attributes in conditions.

Property Name Description
conditionName The text the user sees in the combo box used to select the type of a condition. It is not further processed by the rule editor and thus can be an arbitrary string. Required
propertyPrefix The prefix denotes the context name of the property and does not include the separating '.'. For example, to denote all properties in the 'foo' context, such as '' and 'foo.zork', supply 'foo' as the propertyPrefix value. ConditionTypes support either propertyPrefix or propertyName, but not both.
propertyName The name of the property the condition is associated with. The rule editor compares the name of the property used in a condition with this string to identify the UI element it should use for rendering the condition. ConditionTypes support either propertyPrefix or propertyName, but not both.
isDefault If set to "true", the condition type is used as the selected condition type if a new condition is added to a rule via the UI. Make sure that there's only a single default item because otherwise you cannot be sure which one will be selected. Default is 'false'.

Table 3.1. All properties

Example with propertyName attribute:

<perso:dateCondition conditionName="Date of Birth"

This element makes the SelectionRulesField use a DateCondition if a condition is defined on the personal.dateofbirth property.

Example with propertyPrefix attribute:

<perso:keywordCondition conditionName='Explicit Interest'
  propertyPrefix='explicit' isDefault='true'/>

This element makes the SelectionRulesField use a KeywordCondition for all properties starting with the prefix "explicit" followed by ".", for example, "".

The order of elements in conditionItems is relevant for item selection. The SelectionRulesField searches the list top to bottom to find the Condition for a given property name. It uses the first item whose propertyName or propertyPrefix matches.


The ConditionsField property editor is similar to the SelectionRulesEditor in that it allows you to define a list of customer segment conditions using the same components and configuration, except for the SegmentCondition.

Using the AddConditionItemsPlugin to add conditions to the property editors

The SelectionRuleField as well as the ConditionsField support the AddConditionItemsPlugin to allow the configuration of condition items via plugin rules. Plugin rules are a mechanism provided by CoreMedia Studio to allow Studio plugins to modify common UI components.

For example, you might want to keep the configuration of condition items specific to your CRM system in the same project as your CAE/CRM integration. To this end, create a CoreMedia Studio plugin containing plugin rules that configure the condition items using the AddConditionItemsPlugin and introduce it as a Maven dependency to your CoreMedia Studio web application (for details, see the CoreMedia Studio Developer Manual).

Module p13n-studio of the CoreMedia Blueprint development workspace shows how to configure selection rules based on Elastic Social contexts.

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