

Blueprint Developer Manual / Version 2207
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CoreMedia Blueprint workspace is the result of CoreMedia’s long year experience in customer projects. As CoreMedia CMS is a highly customizable product that you can adapt to your specific needs, the first thing you used to do when you started to work with CoreMedia CMS was to create a proper development environment on your own. CoreMedia Blueprint workspace addresses this challenge with a reference project in a predefined working environment that integrates all CoreMedia components and is ready for start.

The CoreMedia workspace contains two blueprints, the eCommerce Blueprint and the Brand Blueprint. Both blueprints can be used together as demonstrated in the example sites (see Section 2.2, “CoreMedia Blueprint Sites”). However, you can also use both blueprints separately. Deactivate the not used blueprint as described in Section 4.2.1, “Removing Optional Components”.

CoreMedia Blueprint workspace provides you with an environment which is strictly based on today’s de facto standard for managing and building Java projects by using Maven. You do not get a program to install and run, but a workspace to develop within, to build and to deploy artifacts from.



Unless specified otherwise command line examples are given in Unix style. The path to the root of the Blueprint workspace directory will be referenced by the variable $CM_BLUEPRINT_HOME.

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