

Blueprint Developer Manual / Version 2207
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CoreMedia Blueprint provides additional buttons and actions to create new content besides the regular content creation action in the library. The user can click on the Create menu on the Header toolbar to open a selection of documents to create. The action is also available for link lists and several dialogs.

Create content menu on the Header toolbar

Figure 6.12. Create content menu on the Header toolbar

The user selects a content to create from the Create menu of the Header toolbar. Afterwards, a dialog opens where (at least) the document name and folder can be set.

Create content dialog

Figure 6.13. Create content dialog

The user can decide if the content should be opened in a tab afterwards. The checkbox for this is enabled by default. The Name and Folder properties are the mandatory fields of the dialog. Depending on the content type the dialog shows different property editors, for example for Page content items, the additional field Navigation Parent is configured so that the user can select the navigation parent of the new page.

Create content dialog for pages

Figure 6.14. Create content dialog for pages

The dialog can be extended in several ways and plugged into existing components using the predefined menu item or button components which will invoke the dialog. Also, the dialog provides a plugin mechanism for new property editors and allows you to customize the post-processing after the content creation, depending on the type of the created content. The following "How To" sections describe how to configure and customize the dialog.

How to add a Create menu item to the Header toolbar

There are already some entries defined for this menu, most of them configured in the class BlueprintFormsStudioPlugin.ts. The menu can be extended using the quickCreateMenuItem:

  <bpb-components:quickCreateMenuItem contentType="MyDocumentType"/>
Separators can be added by:
<menuseparator cls="fav-menu-separator"/>
How to add a 'New Content' menu item to link list

There are two ways to add the content creation dialog to link lists. First is using the QuickCreateToolbarButton class and apply it to an existing link list using the additionalToolbarItems plugin. This will add one button to the toolbar of the link list to create a specific content type, for example creating a new child for the CMChannel document hierarchy:

<bp:extendedLinkListPropertyField bindTo="{config.bindTo}"
    <bpb-components:quickCreateToolbarButton contentType="CMChannel" />

Example 6.2. Add content creation dialog to link list with quickCreateLinkListMenu

New content dialog as button on a link list toolbar

Figure 6.15. New content dialog as button on a link list toolbar

The second variant is that you apply a complete dropdown menu with several content types in it. By default, these content types are configured in the file that is part of the blueprint-base and overwritten with the file (see BlueprintFormsStudioPlugin.ts). The file contains a property default_link_list_contentTypes which contains the document types to display in a comma separated value format. This default can be overwritten by adding the contentTypes attribute to the quickCreateLinklistMenu element when the dropdown elements are declared in exml. The attribute value can have a comma separated format to support multiple content types too:

<bp:extendedLinkListPropertyField bindTo="{config.bindTo}"
    <bpb-components:quickCreateLinklistMenu bindTo="{config.bindTo}"
                              propertyName="children" />
New content dialog menu on a link list toolbar

Figure 6.16. New content dialog menu on a link list toolbar

How to link new content to a link list

When the dialog is added to the toolbar of a link list by using the button component of the menu, the newly created content is automatically linked to the list. The dialog checks during the post-processing if the parameters propertyName" and bindTo have been passed to it and will link the new content to the existing ones. The dialog always assumes that if these two parameters have been passed, the corresponding property is a link list, so using other properties with other types here will raise an error here.

How to add an event handler to the button or menu item

Both components, the quickCreateLinkListMenu and the quickCreateToolbarButton provide a configuration parameter called onSuccess. The method passed there will be executed after a successful content creation and must provide the signature:

method(content:Content, data:ProcessingData, callback:Function)

The ProcessingData instance "data" contains all the data entered by the user for the mandatory and optional properties of the dialog. The object is a Bean instance, so the values can be accessed by using data.get(<KEY>) calls. Since the new content dialog has already applied all dialog properties to the content, the retrieved new content instance already contains all inputted data.



Ensure that the callback handler is called once the post-processing is finished. Otherwise, the post-processing of the content can not terminate correctly and steps may be missing.

How to add a content property to the new content dialog

A new property editor that should be mapped to a standard content property can be defined in the file The configuration entry supports a comma separated format in order to apply multiple property fields to the dialog. For example when the configuration entry item_CMArticle=title,segment is added to the properties file, each time the dialog is opened for a CMArticle document the String properties "title" and "segment" are editable in the dialog and will be applied to the new content.



Currently only text fields are supported, so do not configure a content property here that has a different format than "String".

How to add an event handler for a specific content type

The new content dialog allows you to apply a content type depending success handlers that are executed for every execution of the dialog. The success handler must implement the following signature:

method(content:Content, data:ProcessingData, callback:Function)

and is applied to the dialog by invoking:

QuickCreate.addSuccessHandler(<CONTENT_TYPE>, <METHOD>);



Unlike the onSuccess handler described in the previous section, these types of event handlers will be executed for every content creation of a specific type, no matter how and where the new content dialog is invoked from.

How to add a custom property to the new content dialog

Sometimes it is necessary to configure a value for the dialog that is not a content property. Instead, the value should be processed in the success handler. The dialog allows you to apply new editors to the dialog that are mapped to a specific field in the ProcessingData instance.

To apply a custom editor a corresponding factory method has to be implemented that will create the editor every time the dialog is created. This factory method is applied to the dialog then by invoking:

  function (data:ProcessingData, properties:Object):Component {
  //for example return new CustomEditor(customEditor{properties});

The ProcessingData instance is a bean, so it can be used to create ValueExpressions that are passed as parameters to the component. The predefined parameters are already applied to the properties object that is passed to the factory method. Additional properties can be added to this object, like the emptyText of an input field.



Make sure that the name of the custom property is unique and does not match an existing property of the given content type.

Since the new editor is shown for each dialog creation of the specific type, a success handler must be applied to the dialog too that processes the value:


The processing handler must implement the same method signature like the ones defined for menu items or buttons:

method(content:Content, data:ProcessingData, callback:Function)

The custom property can be access in the handler by invoking:




The post-processing of the dialog will execute the following steps:

  1. create the new content

  2. apply values to property fields (default processing)

  3. invoke success handlers for custom processing (methods that have been applied through QuickCreate.addSuccessHandler)

  4. invoke success handler configured for the button or menu items (methods that have been applied by declaring a value for the onSuccess attribute)

  5. link content to a link list if parameters are defined

  6. open created content

  7. open additional content in background

Where do I find some examples?

Check the class CMChannelExtension.ts. The class adds a successHandler for the creation of new CMChannel documents that is used to apply a value for the title property. Additionally, the newly created CMChannel document is also linked to a parent (if available) that may have been provided by the NavigationLinkFieldWrapper component that also has been added to the dialog.

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