

Blueprint Developer Manual / Version 2207
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The predefined publication workflows have some features in common, which are described in the following:

Users and Groups

In order to execute tasks within workflows, users have to be assigned to special groups. In the predefined publication workflows, these are the following:

  1. composer-role: to be able to create (and start) a publication workflow and compose a change set

  2. approver-role: to be able to approve the resources in the change set

  3. publisher-role: to be able to publish the resources in the change set

Special groups can be defined and linked to the workflow via the Grant element in the workflow definition file.

Read more about users, groups and administration in the Content Server Manual.

Note that, when all eligible users for a task reject that task, the task is again offered to all eligible users. So if you are the only user for an approver-role group and you start a publication workflow, the second step of the workflow will be escalated. That is because you cannot be the composer and the approver of a resource - and there is no other user than you.

Basic Steps in a Publication Workflow

After a user has created one or more documents, these documents should be proofread, approved and published in a workflow:

  1. The user (not necessarily the user who did the editing) starts a workflow. If he selects resources at starting time, these resources will be added to the change set and the compose task will be accepted automatically. Otherwise, he has to add the resources to the change set later.

  2. The user completes the 'compose' task.

  3. The task 'approve' is automatically offered to all appropriate users (members of the approver-role group, but not to the composer - even if he is a member of this group). Somebody accepts the task and approves the resources.

The user has the following options:

option A

option B

option C

option D

The user accepts the task, approves the resource(s)and finishes the task. All resources are approved.

The user accepts the task, does not approve all resource(s) and finishes the task

The user rejects the task.

The user accepts the task but delegates it to somebody else.

The task 'Publication' is offered to all members of the group publisher-role.

The change set is sent back to the user who completed the 'compose' task.

The task is offered all other members of the group approver-role.

The task is automatically accepted by this user.

Table 5.29. User options.

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