

Blueprint Developer Manual / Version 2207
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The following table summarizes most of the corresponding link schemes and controllers of CoreMedia Blueprint as defined in framework/spring/blueprint-handlers.xml. See the Javadoc of the respective classes for further details.

Description Controller and link scheme for Blobs like Images in CSS, Images that do not have any scaling information or CMDownload documents.


Example /blob/1784/4fb7741a1080d02953ac7d79c76c955c/media-data.ico for a CSS background image

Table 7.1. CapBlobHandler

Description Controller and link scheme for CSS and JavaScript stored in the CMS.
Class com.coremedia.blueprint.cae.handlers.CodeResourceHandler
Example /code/1214/5/responsive-css.css for a CSS

Table 7.2. CodeHandler

Description A Link scheme for external links stored in the CMS.



Table 7.3. ExternalLinkHandler

Description Controller and link scheme for CMAction beans which are for example used to perform a search.


Example /action/corporate/4420/action/search for performing a search

Table 7.4. PageActionHandler

Description Controller and link scheme for pages.


Example /corporate/for-professionals/services for a service page.

Table 7.5. PageHandler

Description Controller and link scheme for handling RSS


Format /service/rss/[SITE_URL_SEGMENT]/[CONTENT_ID]/feed.rss for RSS feed with content id [CONTENT_ID]

Table 7.6. PageRssHandler

Description Controller and link scheme previewing content in CoreMedia Studio.


Example /preview?id=coremedia:///cap/content/3048%26view=fragmentPreview for preview content as a fragment

Table 7.7. PreviewHandler

Description Controller and link scheme for generating static URLs based on Strings


Example /elastic/social/ratings for a ES Post Controller

Table 7.8. StaticUrlHandler

Description Controller and link scheme for transformed blobs


Example /image/3126/landscape_ratio4x3/349/261/971b670685dff69cfd28e55177d886db/Pi/mombasa-image-image.jpg

Table 7.9. TransformedBlobHandler

Link Post Processors

While link schemes are responsible for the path and possibly the parameters of a resource's URL, they are not aware of deployment aspects like domains, hosts, ports, servlet contexts, rewrite rules and the like. The Blueprint uses Link Post Processors to format links according to the particular environment.

The following link post processors are applied in com.coremedia.blueprint.base.links.impl.BaseUriPrepender and com.coremedia.blueprint.base.links.impl.LinkAbsolutizer.

  • prependBaseUri

    Prepends the "base URI" (web application and mapped servlet, for example /blueprint/servlet) to ALL (annotation based) links. This is required when the CAE web application is served directly by a web container with no prior URL rewriting.

  • makeAbsoluteUri

    Adds a prefix that makes the URI absolute. There are several cases in which URLs must be made absolute:

    • a cross-site link: a URI pointing to a resource in a site that is served on a different domain

    • externalized URIs: a URI should be send by mail or become part of an RSS feed

    The prefixes for absolute URLs are specific for each site, therefore they are maintained in each site's settings in a struct named absoluteUrlPrefixes. The prefixes are different for the live and the preview CAE and must be maintained independently. A typical absoluteUrlPrefixes struct looks like this:

    A basic absoluteUrlPrefixes Struct

    Figure 7.6. A basic absoluteUrlPrefixes Struct



    The URL prefixes must be at least a scheme-relative URL (beginning with "//").

    The Blueprint features an application property link.urlPrefixType that determines which absoluteUrlPrefixes entry is effective in a particular application. You will find link.urlPrefixType set appropriately in the of all components that use the bpbase-links-impl module, for example, for the cae-live-webapp:

    # The live webapp builds live URLs

    Example 7.1. Configuration of URL prefix type

    While the standard Blueprint distinguishes only between preview and live URL prefixes, projects may add additional absoluteUrlPrefixes entries of arbitrary names for special URL prefixes and applications.

    Why are struct lists needed after all, if they have only one entry? The above example is valid, but it does not show all configuration options. There are some optional features, and the equivalent complete struct would look like this:

    A complete absoluteUrlPrefixes Struct

    Figure 7.7. A complete absoluteUrlPrefixes Struct

    You can declare special URL prefix rules for certain bean types or views, and you can specify an order for ambiguous rules. The default Blueprint does not make use of these options, but they reflect the format of the key field of the old siteMappings entries, so that you do not lose any features when upgrading to this mechanism.

    When you start over with a fresh Blueprint and look at the SiteSettings documents of our example content, the configuration looks yet a little different:

    An initial absoluteUrlPrefixes Struct

    Figure 7.8. An initial absoluteUrlPrefixes Struct

    CoreMedia supports a variety of deployments for various use cases like local development, production, quickrun, to name just a few. The appropriate URL prefixes in these setups vary from //localhost:40080 to //my.real.public.domain. So there is no reasonable default to be hardcoded in the example content. Therefore, application properties in the values of urlPrefix are supported and use the well known* properties which are declared in the CAEs' files. Initial content deployment is the only reason why these properties still exist, so you should not bother to maintain them for new sites in production repositories, but maintain the URL prefixes only in the content.

Force Scheme

In order to force a certain scheme (for example http, https, ftp) for a URL, two (cm) parameters must be set for the link: absolute: true and scheme: <scheme-name>.

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