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Studio User Manual / Version 2307

Table Of Contents



edit, Editing 360°-Views


animated GIF, Editing Images
Annotated Link List, Editing Link Lists
create, Creating Assets in Studio
metadata, Creating Assets in Studio
rendition, Working with Assets
taxonomy, Categorizing Assets
thumbnail, Creating Assets in Studio
asset management, Asset Management
show in My Edited Content, Control Room
Augmented Category, Working with Commerce Content, Adding eCommerce Category
eCommerce category, Adding eCommerce Category
Augmented Page, Working with Commerce Content
authors, Working with Authors


caching, Conditions
Commerce SegmentCondition, Conditions
DateCondition, Conditions
DateTimeCondition, Conditions
EnumCondition, Conditions
KeywordCondition, Conditions
PercentageKeywordCondition, Conditions
SegmentCondition, Conditions
StringCondition, Conditions
Time Condition, Conditions
find orphaned elements, CoreMedia Product Catalog Content Mode
search, Using the CoreMedia Product Catalog
catalog view, Catalog View
enable, Catalog View
augment, Adding Category Specific Content
hide from navigation, Changing the Navigation
autoformat, Autoformatting Text
markdown, Autoformatting Text
clipboard, Pasting Content from the Clipboard
comment, Working with Comments and Reviews
approve, Approving or Rejecting a Comment
edit, Editing a Comment
prioritizing, Prioritize a Content
reject, Approving or Rejecting a Comment
restore, Approving or Rejecting a Comment
writing, Writing Comments
sorting, Working with Comments and Reviews
search, Searching for Commerce Items
complaints, Working with Comments and Reviews
categorize, Categorizing Content
creating, Creating Content Items from the Header Bar
inherit, Editing the Layout
layout variant, Adding a Layout Variant
master, Multi-Site and Multi-Language
moving, Moving, Copying and Renaming Content Items
Content App, CoreMedia Studio User Interface, Content App
Main menu, Content App
content item
compare, Comparing Translation
content type
inheritance, Content Items and Folders
control room
localization, Control Room
open, Control Room
translation, Control Room, Translation to Derived Sites, Accepting Translation Workflows
CoreMedia Content Widget
content display, Adding CoreMedia Content Widget to Commerce System
CoreMedia Product Catalog, Using the CoreMedia Product Catalog
create category, Creating a New Category
create product, Creating a New Product
CoreMedia Studio
start, CoreMedia Studio: log in and log out
timeout, CoreMedia Studio: log in and log out
Create from Template, Creating a Navigation Node
curated transfer, Working with Comments and Reviews
customer segment
create, Creating Customer Segments


dashboard, Using the Dashboard
add, Adding Widgets
open, Dashboard
Data Privacy
Erasure, Editing a User Profile
Personal Data, Editing a User Profile
deleted content, Navigating in the Library
filename, Uploading Files
dynamic content, Business Content of a Website
dynamic list
query list, Creating Content Queries
Top-N list, Editing Top-N Lists


focus point, Cropping Images
image editing, Editing Images
crop, Cropping Images
image map editing, Editing Image Maps
images, Managing Files
inherit, Editing the Layout
IPTC, Extracted Metadata


Create from Template, Creating a Navigation Node
creation, Creating a Navigation Node
dialog, Creating Content Items from the Header Bar, Creating a Navigation Node
purpose, Creating Page Content Item
tabs, Creating Page Content Item
page grid
create, Layout of a Website
edit, Editing a Page Grid
incompatible changes, Editing the Layout
placement, Layout of a Website
preview, Editing a Page Grid
Personal Data, Editing a User Profile
Personalized Content, Managing Personalized Content
order of rules, Managing Personalized Content
inherit, Layout of a Website, Editing the Layout
locking, Layout of a Website, Editing the Layout
pop-up blocker, Deactivating Pop-up Blocker in Firefox
post-moderation, Configuring Elastic Social, Working with Comments and Reviews
site, Selecting a Preferred Site
preferred site, Multi-Site and Multi-Language, Selecting a Preferred Site
premoderation, Configuring Elastic Social, Working with Comments and Reviews
Preview, Content App
zoom, Content App
prioritize, Working with Comments and Reviews
Product Asset Widget
configuration, Adding Content with the Asset Widget
product code
set, Extracted Metadata
product list, Adding a Product List
Product Teaser, Working with Commerce Content
product teaser, Adding a Product Teaser
overwrite, Adding a Product Teaser
product variants, Searching for Product Variants
search for, Searching for Product Variants
production environment, Production and Live Environments
profile view, Working with Users
calendar, Editing To-Dos
due date, Adding a Description
property, Content Items and Folders
publication, Publishing Content
Publication window, Publication Window
publish, Publishing Content


catalog, Using the CoreMedia Product Catalog
in trash, Navigating in the Library
issue, Navigating in the Library
rich text, Finding and Replacing Text in Rich Text
Search Folder, Using Search Folders
selection frame, The Selection Frame
settings, Configuring Elastic Social
side-by-side view, Comparing Translation, Translation Actions
derive, Multi-Site and Multi-Language, Preparing Translation: Deriving a Translated Site, Deriving a Synchronized Site
locale, Multi-Site and Multi-Language
preferred, Multi-Site and Multi-Language
preferred site, Selecting a Preferred Site
site folder, Multi-Site and Multi-Language
site indicator, Multi-Site and Multi-Language
site manager group, Preparing Translation: Deriving a Translated Site, Deriving a Synchronized Site
sites window, Multi-Site and Multi-Language, Preparing Translation: Deriving a Translated Site, Deriving a Synchronized Site
site indicator, Structure of a Website
site structure, Simple Example Website Structure
creation, Adding a Sitemap
spellchecker, Spell Checking
struct, Editing Struct Properties
context menu, Editing Struct Properties
Struct editor
create list entries, Editing Struct Properties
duplicate entry, Editing Struct Properties
icons, Editing Struct Properties
list property, Editing Struct Properties
single property, Editing Struct Properties
Content App, Content App
hardware requirements, Studio Hardware Requirements
Workflow App, Workflow App
suggestion mode, Categorizing Content
synchronization, Synchronizing Content
synchronized site
icon, Multi-Site and Multi-Language


XLIFF, Translating Content, Translation Actions
XML Localization Interchange File Format, Translating Content, Translation Actions

Search Results

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