Studio User Manual / Version 2307
Table Of ContentsThis chapter describes how you can manage your content.
Section 4.7.1, “Bookmarking Content” describes how you can bookmark content.
Section 4.7.2, “Publishing Content” describes how content can be published / withdrawn to / from the live system.
Section 4.7.3, “Translating Content” describes how content can be translated between sites of different languages.
Section 4.7.4, “Synchronizing Content” describes how content can be synchronized
Section 4.7.5, “Working With Projects” describes how you use projects to group and share your content.
Section 4.7.6, “Getting Analytics Feedback” describes how you can get feedback on the performance of an article.
Section 4.7.7, “Getting Keyword Recommendations” describes how you can get recommendations for keywords used to categorize content.
Section 4.7.8, “Checking Content in External Preview” describes how you can watch content in an external preview.
Section 4.7.9, “Uploading Content to Salesforce Marketing Cloud” describes how you can upload content to a third-party system. Currently Salesforce Marketing Cloud is supported.
Section 4.7.10, “Adding Comments on Content Properties” describes how you comment on content, edit comments and delete comments for content.