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CoreMedia CMS contains a Content Management Environment for content creation and management and a Content Delivery Environment for content delivery. Content has to be published from the Management Environment to the Delivery Environment in order to become visible to customers. Before content can be published, it has to be approved. This way, CoreMedia CMS supports the dual control principle.


Binary Large Object or short blob, a property type for binary objects, such as graphics.

Content Delivery Environment

The Content Delivery Environment is the environment in which the content is delivered to the end-user.

It may contain any of the following modules:

  • CoreMedia Master Live Server

  • CoreMedia Replication Live Server

  • CoreMedia Content Application Engine

  • CoreMedia Search Engine

  • Elastic Social

  • CoreMedia Adaptive Personalization

Content item

In CoreMedia CMS, content is stored as self-defined content items. Content items are specified by their properties or fields. Typical content properties are, for example, title, author, image and text content.

Content Management Environment

The Content Management Environment is the environment for editors. The content is not visible to the end user. It may consist of the following modules:

  • CoreMedia Content Management Server

  • CoreMedia Workflow Server

  • CoreMedia Importer

  • CoreMedia Site Manager

  • CoreMedia Studio

  • CoreMedia Search Engine

  • CoreMedia Adaptive Personalization

  • CoreMedia Preview CAE

Content Management Server

Server on which the content is edited. Edited content is published to the Master Live Server.

Content Repository

CoreMedia CMS manages content in the Content Repository. Using the Content Server or the UAPI you can access this content. Physically, the content is stored in a relational database.

Content Server

Content Server is the umbrella term for all servers that directly access the CoreMedia repository:

Content Servers are web applications running in a servlet container.

  • Content Management Server

  • Master Live Server

  • Replication Live Server

Content type

A content type describes the properties of a certain type of content. Such properties are for example title, text content, author, ...

Control Room

Control Room is a Studio plugin, which enables users to manage projects, work with workflows, and collaborate by sharing content with other Studio users.

CoreMedia Studio

CoreMedia Studio is the working environment for business specialists. Its functionality covers all the stages in a web-based editing process, from content creation and management to preview, test and publication.

As a modern web application, CoreMedia Studio is based on the latest standards like Ajax and is therefore as easy to use as a normal desktop application.

Dead Link

A link, whose target does not exist.

Derived Site

A derived site is a site, which receives localizations from its master site. A derived site might itself take the role of a master site for other derived sites.

Elastic Social

CoreMedia Elastic Social is a component of CoreMedia CMS that lets users engage with your website. It supports features like comments, rating, likings on your website. Elastic Social is integrated into CoreMedia Studio so editors can moderate user generated content from their common workplace. Elastic Social bases on NoSQL technology and offers nearly unlimited scalability.


A folder is a resource in the CoreMedia system which can contain other resources. Conceptually, a folder corresponds to a directory in a file system.

Folder hierarchy

Tree-like connection of folders, where the root folder forms the origin of the tree.

Home Page

The main entry point for all visitors of a site. Technically it is often referred to as root document and also serves as provider of the default layout for all subpages.


Document series of Best current practice (BCP) defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). It includes the definition of IETF language tags, which are an abbreviated language code such as en for English, pt-BR for Brazilian Portuguese, or nan-Hant-TW for Min Nan Chinese as spoken in Taiwan using traditional Han characters.


Locale is a combination of country and language. Thus, it refers to translation as well as to localization. Locales used in translation processes are typically represented as IETF BCP 47 language tags.


Marking of parts of a document, structurally (section, paragraph, quote, ...) or with layout (bold, italic, ...).

Master Live Server

The Master Live Server is the heart of the Content Delivery Environment. It receives the published content from the Content Management Server and makes it available to the CAE. If you are using the CoreMedia Multi-Master Management Extension you may use multiple Master Live Server in a CoreMedia system.

Master Site

A master site is a site other localized sites are derived from. A localized site might itself take the role of a master site for other derived sites.


With Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME), the format of multi-part, multimedia emails and of web documents is standardised.


On personalised websites, individual users have the possibility of making settings and adjustments which are saved for later visits.


With projects you can group content and manage and edit it collaboratively, setting due dates and defining to-dos. Projects are created in the Control Room and managed in project tabs.


In relation to CoreMedia, properties have two different meanings:

In CoreMedia, content items are described with properties (content fields). There are various types of properties, e.g. strings (such as for the author), Blobs (e.g. for images) and XML for the textual content. Which properties exist for a content item depends on the content type.

In connection with the configuration of CoreMedia components, the system behavior of a component is determined by properties.


Creates or updates resources on the Live Server.


A folder or a content item in the CoreMedia system.

Responsive Design

Responsive design is an approach to design a website that provides an optimal viewing experience on different devices, such as PC, tablet, mobile phone.

Root folder

The uppermost folder in the CoreMedia folder hierarchy. Under this folder, CoreMedia users can add further folders and content items.


A site is a cohesive collection of web pages in a single locale, sometimes referred to as localized site. In CoreMedia CMS a site especially consists of a site folder, a site indicator and a home page for a site.

A typical site also has a master site it is derived from.

Site Folder

All contents of a site are bundled in one dedicated folder. The most prominent document in a site folder is the site indicator, which describes details of a site.

Site Indicator

A site indicator is the central configuration object for a site. It is an instance of a special content type, most likely CMSite.

Site Manager

Swing component of CoreMedia for editing content items, managing users and workflows.

The Site Manager is deprecated for editorial use.

Site Manager Group

Members of a site manager group are typically responsible for one localized site. Responsible means that they take care of the contents of that site and that they accept translation tasks for that site.


A short piece of text or graphics which contains a link to the actual editorial content.

Translation Manager Role

Editors in the translation manager role are in charge of triggering translation workflows for sites.


Most of the time used in context of content variants, variants refer to all localized versions within the complete hierarchy of master and their derived sites (including the root master itself).

Version history

A newly created content item receives the version number 1. New versions are created when the content item is checked in; these are numbered in chronological order.

Weak Links

In general CoreMedia CMS always guarantees link consistency. But links can be declared with the weak attribute, so that they are not checked during publication or withdrawal.

Caution! Weak links may cause dead links in the live environment.


A workflow is the defined series of tasks within an organization to produce a final outcome. Sophisticated applications allow you to define different workflows for different types of jobs. So, for example, in a publishing setting, a document might be automatically routed from writer to editor to proofreader to production. At each stage in the workflow, one individual or group is responsible for a specific task. Once the task is complete, the workflow software ensures that the individuals responsible for the next task are notified and receive the data they need to execute their stage of the process.

Workflow Server

The CoreMedia Workflow Server is part of the Content Management Environment. It comes with predefined workflows for publication and global-search-and-replace but also executes freely definable workflows.


XLIFF is an XML-based format, standardized by OASIS for the exchange of localizable data. An XLIFF file contains not only the text to be translated but also metadata about the text. For example, the source and target language. CoreMedia Studio allows you to export content items in the XLIFF format and to import the files again after translation.

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