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CoreMedia Content Cloud v12 Upgrade Guide / Version 2404

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7.14.5 Modernized eslint and prettier in Frontend Workspace


Changes only necessary when using eslint and prettier

We updated and integrated eslint and prettier (via eslint-plugin) to the whole frontend workspace. It is enabled and configured for all themes and bricks via a shared configuration. It is integrated in the frontend tooling too. You can check and lint all files via pnpm lint. All blueprint source files have been linted.

Upgrade steps:

If you don't want to use eslint and prettier, everything should work as before. Otherwise run the following command in your custom themes and bricks: pnpm add -D eslint @coremedia/eslint-config-frontend Also add the following entry to the scripts block in the package.json: "lint": "eslint --fix \"src/*/.js\""


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