CoreMedia Content Cloud v12 Upgrade Guide / Version 2404
Table Of ContentsThis manual describes the upgrade from a CoreMedia CMCC v11 Blueprint system to a CoreMedia CMCC v12 Blueprint system.
Chapter 2, CoreMedia Content Cloud v12 gives a short overview of the main changes in CoreMedia Content Cloud v12. It describes some of the benefits you get from your upgrade tasks.
Chapter 3, Upgrade Information Overview describes the actual upgrade tasks in general. The following chapters then go into more detail per application and per feature.
Chapter 4, Prerequisites for the Upgrade describes the development environment and the software you need to have for building the workspace.
Chapter 5, Changes in Supported Environments describes changes in the supported environments, such as databases.
Chapter 6, Removed Components and Features lists the removed components and features and links to more information.
Chapter 7, Detailed Overview of Changes gives a high-level overview of all changes. This includes new, deprecated and removed components and third-party software; new operation and configuration schemes, and much more.