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CoreMedia Content Cloud v12 Upgrade Guide / Version 2404

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4. Prerequisites for the Upgrade

First of all, in order to upgrade to CoreMedia Content Cloud v12, CoreMedia recommends to start from the latest CoreMedia Content Cloud v11 version.

The list below gives a detailed overview of the software you must have installed before the upgrade.

  • Git >= 2.25.0

    The guide uses the Git command restore which is only available since Git version 2.25.0.

  • NodeJS 20.x

    In order to compile the Studio Client workspace and all frontend related components, you need to install NodeJS in the latest version 20.x.

  • pnpm 8.15.3

    In order to compile the Studio Client workspace and all frontend related components, you need to install pnpm as the package manager. Simply call npm install -g pnpm@8.15.3 on the commandline.

  • Configuring Access to CoreMedia npm Repository

    In CoreMedia Content Cloud v12 CoreMedia provides an npm registry to provide CoreMedia npm packages. To access this registry, you need a GitHub user token and need to set the credentials. The GitHub user needs to be a member of the coremedia-contributions organisation in GitHub. If in doubt, contact CoreMedia support to validate your permissions.

    1. Creating a GitHub Token

      Create a GitHub token as described in with the following parameters:

      • read:packages

      • read:org

      • read:user

    2. Configuring your npm Repositories

      1. Configure the npm repositories with the following pnpm calls:

        pnpm config set @coremedia:registry
        pnpm config set @jangaroo:registry 
      2. pnpm login --registry=

        You will be asked for user and password. Enter your GitHub username (all lowercase) and the created GitHub token as the password.

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