Studio Developer Manual / Version 2412.0
Table Of ContentsThis manual describes the configuration of and development with CoreMedia Studio. You will learn, for example, how to add your own Favorites, how to change or add labels, or how to customize forms.
Chapter 2, Overview gives a short overview of CoreMedia Studio.
Chapter 3, Deployment describes how to deploy CoreMedia Studio into different servlet containers.
Chapter 4, Quick Start describes how to set up a development workspace that is ready for CoreMedia Studio development.
Chapter 5, Concepts and Technology gives an overview of the concepts and technologies used by CoreMedia Studio. It is not a prerequisite for the following chapters, but will give you valuable insight into the underlying concepts.
Chapter 8, Using the Development Environment introduces the build tools and processes that are recommended for the development of CoreMedia Studio.
Chapter 9, Customizing CoreMedia Studio explains specific customizations of CoreMedia Studio.
Chapter 10, Rich Text Editing provides an overview of the richtext editing capabilities in CoreMedia Studio and how to adapt them to your needs.
Since version 1.3, the CoreMedia Studio API is marked final, meaning that changes and extensions to the API are guaranteed to be backwards compatible. Any changes to the API are however described in the release notes, and it is recommended to consult these when upgrading to a newer version, so that you can benefit from added functionality or more convenient or powerful ways to make use of certain features.