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Studio Developer Manual / Version 2412.0

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10.3.2 Localizing CKEditor 5

If customizing CKEditor 5, you most likely also want to apply corresponding localized labels. The approach differs, depending on whether you want to apply localization to custom CKEditor 5 plugins or to apply localization as part of the configuration of CKEditor 5 instances within CoreMedia Studio.

Set Locale at CKEditor 5 Instantiation:

CKEditor 5 has a configuration option language. Upon instantiation, you have to forward the locale to CKEditor 5 as retrieved via LocaleUtil.getLocale() similar to the example in Example 10.2, “CKEditor 5 Instance Localization”.

import LocaleUtil from

const language = LocaleUtil.getLocale();

ClassicEditor.create(domElement, {

Example 10.2. CKEditor 5 Instance Localization

Plugin Localization

Localizing UI elements within custom plugins is best done via the translation-service as described in the Localization guide for CKEditor 5. This localization will then automatically apply the locale as configured at instantiation of the CKEditor 5 instance.

Configuration Localization

As can be seen in the example included in Section “Image Styles Configuration”, it may be required to apply localization while configuring CKEditor 5 plugins, for example. The best practice to apply can be seen in ckeditorDefault.ts (see Section 10.3.1, “Best Practice: ckeditorDefault.ts”). It boils down to using the localization object and localize function provided by LocalizationUtils. In Example 10.3, “Using LocalizationUtils” you can see a rough sketch, on how to apply these localizations.

import { localization, localize } from
import LocaleUtil from

  "de": {
    "Type your text here...": "Text hier eingeben..."

const language = LocaleUtil.getLocale();

ClassicEditor.create(domElement, {
    localize("Type your text here...", language),

Example 10.3. Using LocalizationUtils

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