Studio Developer Manual / Version 2412.0
Table Of Contents
Frontend development in CoreMedia Studio is based on the Ext JS frontend API and makes
applying styles in CoreMedia Studio easy. By using reusable and modular skins, passed
to the ui
configuration, the appearance of components can be changed. This way, styles can be created
without knowledge of the concrete implementation of every component.
This chapter describes how CoreMedia Studio uses the Ext JS framework and how the basic concepts are extended to the needs of a complex software.
Section 9.16.1, “Blueprint Studio Theme” describes where you can put styles, resources and component skins to extend the Studio Theme.
Section 9.16.2, “Studio Styling with Skins” describes how CoreMedia Studio uses and extends the Ext JS theming concept, how existing skins can be switched off, changed or how new skins can be created.
Section 9.16.3, “Styling of Custom Studio Components” describes how to apply custom styles to components, where using Skins would not make sense.
Section 9.16.4, “Icons / CoreMedia Icon Font” describes how to use icon fonts in CoreMedia Studio, how to apply icons to components and what needs to be done to display different other icons or images in CoreMedia Studio.
Section 9.16.5, “Usage of BEM and Spacing Plugins” describes how CoreMedia Studio uses BEM and which Plugins and Mixins exist to make the usage of BEM easier.
Section 9.16.6, “Component States” gives an overview about how to add additional states to components in CoreMedia Studio.