Studio Developer Manual / Version 2412.0
Table Of Contents
With the SecurityFilterChain
you now have configured the process to authenticate a user against your
SSO provider and provide access to the Studio api.
After authentication the user details are usually represented by a SSO specific details object
linked to the Spring Security Authentication
Now CoreMedia Studio needs to know the matching com.coremedia.cap.user.User
the current SSO specific user details. Each individual Unified API operation has to be performed
in the name of the currently authenticated User
in order to be able to perform a
fine grained authorization in the CoreMedia Content Server. To create the mapping between SSO specific user
details and a User
for the chosen SSO system, you have to implement a
The SpringSecurityCapUserFinder
interface consists of only one method that finds a
for a given Authentication
object. In order to write a finder for the
chosen SSO system you can extend the AbstractSpringSecurityCapUserFinder
public class XYZSpringSecurityCapUserFinder
extends AbstractSpringSecurityCapUserFinder
implements SpringSecurityCapUserFinder {
public User findCapUser(Authentication authentication) {
Object principal = authentication.getPrincipal();
if (principal instanceof XYZ) {
return getCapConnection().getUserRepository()
.getUserByName(username, DOMAIN);
return null;
The custom user finder is automatically picked up when it is defined as a bean with the name
in the Spring context like this:
SpringSecurityCapUserFinder springSecurityCapUserFinder(CapConnection capConnection) {
XYZSpringSecurityCapUserFinder xyzSpringSecurityCapUserFinder = new XYZSpringSecurityCapUserFinder();
return xyzSpringSecurityCapUserFinder;